1980 Flashback: Muni Metro Inauguration Party

D. Robert Foster, who shared an old Muni ticket/transfer on Muni Diaries a few weeks ago, sends along the amazing poster above, and notes:

This is a poster from the May 1980 grand opening party for the Metro system at Castro Street Station. Entertainment by Sylvester, DJs Howie Klein (415 Records), and Larry LaRue. As I remember, ticket holders were eligibile to be among the first people to ride the system by boarding cars at Church Street and then riding right into the party.

Can you imagine how amazing? I almost can, but not quite. Also, where else but the Castro could a soirée this awesome be found?

Thanks, Mr. Foster!

Also, commenters Mike and Gerard shared video from the party. Wild, fun times.

Thanks, Mike and Gerard!

Photo Essay: Two for Muni, Please


Sometimes it’s better to ride Muni with a buddy.

Resting on the Muni L
Photo by Danny Howard

My white anglo-saxon perfect couple
Photo by Juicy Rai

Saw You On The Muni
Photo by David Lytle

Photo by Koduckgirl

Photo by Cheri Lucas

Train Passes
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Our view of San Francisco (and Muni) wouldn’t be the same without the amazing photographers who capture these small moments in city life. Share your photos in the Muni Diaries Flickr pool or email us at muni.diaries.sf@gmail.com.

Slide for Commuters

Photo: newslite.tv

Dutch train passengers at the Overvecht Station can slide down into the train station if they’re late or just bored. Amy of Tiny Rides tipped us off to this fun bit of news from Holland, where this ‘transfer accelerator’ (slide) had been installed as “an alternative to stairs.”

Metro.co.uk has a video of a passenger sliding down to the train station.

I was expected the landing to be a little softer, but hey, it does look fun. Just imagine the liability issues if Muni installed a slide down to Powell station. I am guessing that we’ll have to go to Holland to slide into our commute.

Two Shot While Riding Muni Bus

Two Muni passengers were shot early Sunday morning in the city’s Visitacion Valley neighborhood, police said, according to a report from Bay City News via SF Appeal.

More from Bay City News/SFAppeal:

The shooting occurred aboard a Muni bus at Arleta and San Bruno avenues at around 1:15 a.m. The suspect, described as a black male, was not aboard the bus, according to police.

One victim was shot in the hand and the other suffered a gunshot wound to the neck.

Looks like the injuries are thus far not life-threatening.  We’ll keep you updated.

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