Peek at Your Future BART Seats

If you haven’t sat down on a BART seat or even so much as touched anything on BART since the fecal matter report, you should check out the new renderings of proposed BART seats asap. Designed by BMW Group DesignworksUSA, these proposed seats will replace “the oldest fleet in the country” and feature easy-to-clean seats and “no musty carpets.” See all the proposals in the official announcement from BART.

Word is that the project won’t be completed until 2017, but you should tell what you think of the seats via the feedback form or at the open houses that BART will be hosting. The photo above is option A, featuring a center arm rest and head rests for window seats.

Here’s option B, featuring an “informal, open-style lounge” in the middle of each car.

Option C features artistic “S” shaped poles and “portals at the end of some cars for kids to see track and tunnel walls whiz by the front of the train as it speeds down the track.”

Here’s a nifty video of the proposals, set to music, even:

Of course, we know many of you have your own ideas of seating on public transit. And these proposed seats don’t look much like the comfortable subway living room in Prague. But maybe that’s a good thing.

Hat tip: Curbed, SFist.

Animated! Catching Muni at Powell

Oh look, it’s moving! And I’m dizzy! Rider Doug sent us this animated gif with this note:

While I waited in the Powell station yesterday for an N train that never seems to come, I did manage to capture a series of photos showing other people catching the train. I turned the photos into a .gif.

Awesome new activity while you wait for the bus. Thanks, Doug!

Twiddling your thumbs while waiting for Muni? Tweet at us @munidiaries or send us your latest Muni observations.

Vote for Us in the SF Weekly Web Awards

It’s time to nominate your favorite websites and Twitter feeds in SF Weekly’s annual Web Awards. SF Weekly wants you to tell them who is the “Best Public Transit Blog.” Naturally, we thought you might have an idea about that. (I would put a winky face here but I think that violates some kind of code of conduct.)

The awards also ask you to vote for other online favorites, including the best food blogger, best neighborhood blog, and best events website. So be sure to vote for sites that are your constant daily companions. For ideas, check out the awesome blogs in our sidebar to the right over there.

Oh, the last category of the SF Weekly Awards is a free-for-all write-in. If the @munidiaries Twitter feed keeps you entertained throughout the day, we wouldn’t mind if you wrote us in as best local Twitter feed.

SF Weekly has more details about the judges who will pick the winner from your top three choices.

Thank you for all your support and stories, and now, for all your votes!

Vote in the San Francisco Weekly Web Awards: 4. Best Public Transit Blog and 35. Wild Card: “@munidiaries for best local Twitter feed.”

Muni News: NX a success, new cameras, two-way McAllister

I Love This Corner
Photo by mike dillon

  • Success for the NX-Judah Express bus (City Insider)
  • Clipper E-Cash Accepted on Cable Cars Starting August 8 (Akit’s Complaint Department)
  • New security cameras to keep eye on Muni buses (SF Examiner)
  • BART needs to get on board the Wi-Fi express (SFGate)
  • Graffiti Attacks Cops for BART Shootings (SF Weekly)
  • Two-Way McAllister Provides a Direct Route for 5-Fulton Riders (Streetsblog SF)
  • Public gets first look at detailed concepts for BART’s Fleet of the Future (

Ringside on the 19-Polk

Photo by Jeff Rizzo

It didn’t take new Muni rider Mari long to experience the underbelly of San Francisco transit.

I’ve lived in SF for not even three months and I already have a few horror stories. Probably the most egregious and surprising event occurred on the 19-Polk headed toward the Mission.

At about 7th Street and Mission Street at 5:45 PM on a weekday, the bus driver stopped to pick up a few passengers. Everyone’s attention turned to the back door where a middle-aged gentleman was grasping with all his might to get on the bus. Behind him is another middle-aged gentleman in a wheelchair grabbing on to the other man’s jacket while yelling, “Oh, no you don’t, you are not running away from me!” and other expletives while punching and pulling the man trying to get on the bus.

The bus driver says nothing, of course. We are stopped and us passengers look back and forth at each other just wanting to get to our destinations. A teenage boy starts to cheer them on: “kick his a**, old man!” while blocking the back door.

Finally, the bus driver says, “Move away from back door,” but the teenager continues to taunt and cheer on the old men who are punching each other on the sidewalk now. Passersby yell, “Stop, stop!” to the stronger man doing most of the punching.

Finally, my patience has dwindled and I say in a very loud voice to the teenager, “Move out of the way! We need to go!” The teenager rolls his eyes at me and slowly walks off the bus. Finally, we are able to drive away.

Just another day on Muni…

At least the teenager got off the bus, right?

What’s your Muni story? Share it on Muni Diaries.

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