Photo by Sergio
Fellow passengers make for good Samaritans, as Bay City News reported this morning. A woman was robbed of her cell phone by two men on Muni near Ninth and Folsom, but fellow passengers helped nab one of the suspects. Bay City News via SF Appeal reports the dramatic turn of events:
The 31-year-old victim was approached from behind on the bus by a man who grabbed her cellphone from her hands, according to police.
The suspect and an accomplice ran off the bus, and when the victim gave chase, the accomplice pushed her up against a wall and began choking her, police said.
At that point, another passenger on the bus got off and put the suspect, a 25-year-old man, in a stranglehold and detained him until police arrived and arrested him.
Are you the brave passenger who put the suspect in a stranglehold? Or were you in a similar situation on Muni? We want to hear your story first-hand, so please get in touch!