Muni Permission Slip

Muni rider Erick’s got a great story.

A friend of my recently had trouble with his Clipper card while trying to enter Muni Metro at Church St. Station. After the initial attitude the station agent gave him as the card continued not to function, and after explaining to her that the card had a Fast Pass on it, she looked him up and down and told him, “You dont look like the type that would lie to me,” wrote him the very kind Muni Permission Slip above, and let him enter. If only all the station agents we so kind…

Here’s the text of the permission slip:

Agent Williams
at Church
Please allowed [sic] patron to ride until he can exchange his pass. His pass is valid for August 2011. It’s Hard to Read.

No expiration date, eh?

This reminds us of the Muni Doctor’s Notes written for passengers during a delay once upon a time.

What happened to you on Muni today? Share your experience on Muni Diaries.

Muni Riders Nab Suspect in SOMA Theft and Assault

Backseat View
Photo by Sergio

Fellow passengers make for good Samaritans, as Bay City News reported this morning. A woman was robbed of her cell phone by two men on Muni near Ninth and Folsom, but fellow passengers helped nab one of the suspects. Bay City News via SF Appeal reports the dramatic turn of events:

The 31-year-old victim was approached from behind on the bus by a man who grabbed her cellphone from her hands, according to police.

The suspect and an accomplice ran off the bus, and when the victim gave chase, the accomplice pushed her up against a wall and began choking her, police said.

At that point, another passenger on the bus got off and put the suspect, a 25-year-old man, in a stranglehold and detained him until police arrived and arrested him.

Are you the brave passenger who put the suspect in a stranglehold? Or were you in a similar situation on Muni? We want to hear your story first-hand, so please get in touch!

Vent Your Frustrations: Subway Punching Bag

Subway riders in Shanghai arrived at their morning commute to find that three of the columns at the platform had been transformed into punching bags for them to vent their frustration. Huffpo reported about this hilarious ad campaign by Adidas. The punchbags have slogans that read, “Every year you have to wait on the platform for about 1,824 minutes. Don’t waste your time, come and have some punch!”

Unfortunately, the nice kids interviewed in the news clip didn’t have much to say about their frustration other than, “I saw this other guy punching it with his fists. I thought it was interesting so I tried kicking it.” Is the subway system in Shanghai so efficient that the riders don’t have more colorful complaints? I can only imagine a swinging punchbag at the Van Ness station. Good times.

Read the rest of story at HuffPo.

BART protest could snarl evening commute in SF (updates)

BART police barricade Embarcadero substation
Photo by Black Hour

Update (1:38 p.m. Thursday): SFist reports that a protest will take place at Civic Center Station today at 4:30.

Update (7:35 a.m. Thursday): BART was pretty cryptic in their message last night. We found this on SFGate: Possible protests related to July BART Police shooting.

Original post: I just don’t know what this could be (too many possibilities, really), but from the website:

Please be advised that protesters may attempt to disrupt train service during August commute periods beginning as early as Thursday, August 11, 2011 in downtown San Francisco BART stations.

Read the rest of the advisory on the BART website. And plan ahead?

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