What to do on Muni in an earthquake

Our friends @theCara and @supertamsf alerted us to the Quake Quiz SF site, where you’re presented with a choice of scenarios (including at the Transamerica Pyramid and La Taqueria …) and asked what you’d do there when an earthquake hits. The ladies also pointed out the rat on the tracks in the Muni scenario, which, WHAT? This ain’t New York City!

So, in light of Tuesday’s East Coast earthquake, we thought we’d go over the earthquake-preparation basics in case you’re aboard a Muni vehicle when the big one (or even a littler, but nonetheless violent one) strikes.

Somehow, when faced with the multiple choice questions, we resisted choosing, “Keep listening to your music until the train reaches its destination.”

I mean, really. And this is post-quake:

Visit the Quake Quiz SF site, take the quiz, laugh at the rat, and be prepared!

Footwear of Choice on Muni

Muni story opportunities happen everywhere, especially when you’re waiting for the T with a bunch of WordCampers. This photo came from George from Automattic, who kindly shared it with me a few weeks ago at the WordPress extravaganza.

I know the weather is San Francisco is always temperate, but barefoot, really? The footwear of choice on Muni can be these flashy orange babies, adorned with cream bow tie, or just anything from Jeremy Brooks’ photo documentation of awesome showgazing. No need to go au naturel!

See other fashion mishaps on Muni? Don’t make a citizen’s arrest. Send it to Muni Diaries.

Little ‘Animals’ on Muni

ever wondered what the little hole in the seat on the MUNI is for?

Bhautik Joshi recently dropped these photos into our Muni Photos Flickr pool, and we instantly loved them. He says of the one above, “ever wondered what the little hole in the seat on Muni is for?” Yes, we have wondered what the little hole in the seat on Muni is for. What a pleasant way to find out the answer.

rubberchicken and smallcat on the 10-Townsend

Now’s your turn: Contribute your Muni photos to our Flickr pool today and they could end up on Muni Diaries.

Muni News: Fixing Muni, ridership and fares up, BART-BART-BART

Van Ness in the Dark
Photo by Benjamin Soto

  • A Plan to Improve Muni (Dennis Herrera for Mayor)
  • Caltrain could share tracks with high-speed rail (SFGate)
  • Ridership up, but so are fares nationwide (Rescue Muni)
  • Teen Robbed On Muni, Second Teen Robbed While Trying To Call Police (SF Appeal)
  • BART director says first phase of Livermore BART extension should proceed ASAP (SJ Mercury News)
  • Emily Dunn Identified as Pedestrian Killed by Muni Shuttle in Castro (SF Weekly)
  • Muni driver in fatal crash may have violated protocol (SFGate)
  • Phil Ting’s Reset SF hosts Muni panel discussion tonight (Reset SF)
  • 40 Arrested In BART Protest Monday Night, Another Demonstration Planned For Next Week (SF Appeal)
  • Fed-up commuters battle BART protesters (SF Examiner)
  • Muni transit director John Haley to give TEP update Wednesday (SF Examiner)

Photo Diary: Passion of the Muni

Passion of the Metro

This photo by Whole Wheat Toast belongs in some sort of imaginary Muni Museum (where clearly you use* your Clipper card for entry). Cool shot.

* free admission when DC not responding // the admission cops cite you or ask you to leave // something other than regular admission is deducted from your account, and your protest of a citation is tangled up in bureaucratic loopholes for months on end …

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