Photo Diary: Muni Rebels

These Muni metro rebels were captured on Instagram by Kiki Spaulding (loverlykiki). We’ve seen this stunt done in the day time too, in this cyclist’s fare evasion, McGuyver style.

Looks dangerous…and maybe I shouldn’t be saying this, but kind of fun.*

Have you snapped cool shots of Muni with Instagram? Make sure you tag it Muni so I can find it. Or email it to us! Our inbox is always hungry.

*Just day dreaming! Kids and adults, don’t take any encouragements about anything from me!

Thieves pull woman off T-Third by her purse

T-Third: Mariposa Station (northbound)
Photo by throgers

SF Weekly reports that a woman was approached on the T-Third last night by two men. One of them grabbed for the woman’s purse when the T stopped. She resisted, and eventually ended up holding onto her purse so strongly that they dragged off the Muni vehicle. Once on the ground, the thieves got the purse and fled.

Seriously everyone, be careful out there.

Read the entire story on SF Weekly’s website.

Entire Muni Routes, Vehicles Visible on NextBus Site

A few months ago, we told you about the redesigned NextBus Live map, which showed little F-Market streetcar icons mulling about the city in real-time.

Well, we’re not sure whether this is a new feature for the site, or maybe we just missed it. But now on the NextBus site, you can select any Muni route (by clicking “Select Routes …”) and see entire bus routes, complete with stops and current vehicles in operation. They move in real time, too.

This is an enhancement of a feature NextBus has offered for quite some time now. It looks and works way better now. We find it helpful to see the entire route a Muni line takes, for example.

We tested the site on our Android phones (we don’t have iPhones, what?), and found that it hasn’t been customized for mobile phones yet. It works on mobile, but not fully, and not elegantly. We were able to select a different route by checking a box, but then that route didn’t load on the map, for example.

Still, any enhancement of NextBus is welcome by us. Now if only they could solve the “3 minutes … 1 minute … 17 minutes …” conundrum.

Back-Door Boarding Coming to Muni?

door out of service
Photo by Casey Hussein Bisson

Could it be? It’s been talked about since before the wheel itself was invented: Will Muni officially allowing passengers to board its buses via those ever-popular back doors?

Sure, you’ll say, plenty of upstanding citizens already use the back door to board buses. Hell, on Muni Metro light-rail vehicles, it’s legal and often encouraged to speed up the boarding process.

Now, SFGate reports, “transit officials are looking at whether to expand all-door boarding to the bus fleet.”

Streetsblog SF has explored the topic numerous times. Here are a couple of good reads: “To Reduce Delay and Fare Evasion, Muni Considers All-Door Boarding” and “Speeding Up Muni By Letting All Aboard, Through Any Door.”

What do you think? Could it work to speed things up? Would you immediately begin taking Muni up on its offer to board the back door of a bus when there’s a logjam up front?

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