Amazemagismic or Awful? Write Your Own Muni Review and Win $100

Outbound train
Photo by Charles Nadeau

What do YOU think of your Muni line? Write your wittiest, most entertaining review of a Muni line on the Muni Google Places page. We have five prizes to give out to the funniest reviews, like this one that we just saw on the Muni Google Places page:

“The 27-Bryant is an amazemagasmic 5-star experience. For a paltry $2 cover charge you get non-stop entertainment for your many-stop trip from the TL crazies to the outer Mission crazies. Live poultry? Done! Mysterious smells and ownerless toddlers? Done! Ranting dude in a wheelchair going only 2 stops and then after deboarding gets up and walks around thanks to the MIRACLE OF MUNI? Done! Muni needs to have a full bar in the back of every bus, and then I’ll never leave.”

Ah, the miracle of Muni. You heard it here first.

Use the hashtag #munidiaries to let us know you want your review considered for the contest.

Muni Review Contest on Google Places
Where: Muni on Google Places
How: Write your wittiest review of a Muni line, using #munidiaries to enter the contest
Prize: Top prize: $100 to Hog and Rocks and see your review performed on stage by Anna Conda. We also have $50 gift certificates for four more reviewers so start mouthing off today!

Muni News: Central Subway, Part-Time Drivers, Diminishing Protests

NextMuni 9/11 message
Photo by Octoferret

  • Central Subway a division point for mayoral candidates (SF Examiner)
  • Transit Officials, Business Leaders Say Central Subway on Track to Secure Final Federal Funding (SF Appeal)
  • Suspect In Balboa Park BART Stabbing Rode Muni With Man He Attacked (SF Appeal)
  • Here come the part-time Muni operators! (City Insider/SFGate)
  • Students Crowd Muni, Riders Roll With It (Mission Local)
  • Majority of SF voters still back Central Subway, according to new poll (SF Examiner)
  • BART Protests Losing Attendance, Gaining Naked People (SFist)
  • Muni is the target of lawsuit by slain SF woman’s family (SF Examiner)

Act of Kindness on the 3-Jackson

thank you, eugenia
Photo by mioi

100 Muni StoriesFrustuck shares this heart-warming tale. As much as it can bring out the worst in people, sometimes, Muni brings out the best, too.

I am unemployed and living without an income. While I am scrambling to find work, I am trying to stay current by going to workshops. Everyone everywhere wants me to be proficient in Microsoft Excel. I managed to get into a highly coveted workshop on the subject that was scheduled to be six afternoons long. September 7 was the first class. It started at 1:30.

The day before was horrific for me for a variety of reasons. I cried most of the day. I decided to try to get some extra sleep before the workshop on the 7th. I set my alarm clock for 12. My alarm clock thought I meant midnight. I woke up very well-slept at 12:23. I jammed out the door and got to the workshop five minutes late. They would not let me in.

I was flooded with tears on my way back home on the 3-Jackson. The whole bus saw me crying. Bless their hearts, some people even asked me if I was okay. I apologized and told them I would be fine, but I could not stop crying. I really needed that workshop, and I was emotionally hungover from the previous day. I really, really wanted my mommy.

On her way to the back door, a tall, thin, elegant, white-haired woman put her hand on my shoulder, got up very close to my face and whispered, “I hope it gets better.” I thanked her profusely and she got off the bus.

Two minutes later I looked down and noticed that there were two $20 bills in my lap.

I went to Trader Joe’s. I bought spinach and cheese and bread and yogurt and coffee and half-and-half. All of it will be delicious, but even more so because of that woman’s kindness.

What random acts of kindness have you seen on Muni lately? Share them on Muni Diaries.

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