Muni Fight Ends In Pepper Spray and a Bare Butt


My apologies in advance for the NSFW nature of this video. I don’t like it any more than you do, but then, it happened on Muni. Via SF Appeal, Dan McMenamin of Bay City News snapped two videos of a fight that broke out on Muni.

McMenamin told SFAppeal that a man and a woman started arguing on the 8X, the man poured some liquid on her, then :

“The woman who got poured on came back on the bus from another door then sprayed the guy with mace…he stumbles around as his pants start falling down. Eventually everyone on the bus had to clear out because the pepper spray spread.”

That’s why you’ll see a bare butt in the above video. Sorry. Come on guys, is this behavior really necessary?

Click over to SF Appeal to see how it all started.

How to Pick Up Chicks on Muni

Muni has already been voted as the best place to meet singles, so it was fitting that put together a handy guide of “Picking Up Women on Public Transit” for all the dudes out there who are too busy to go to bars and clubs. Muni has also been the training ground for pickup artists a little while ago when that awful book was still hot. So let’s see what the dating experts have to say about getting flirty during your commute.

The gurus at recognize that every guy is milliseconds away from being a creep, so most importantly, the guide suggests:

On public transport, it is imperative that you initiate a conversation as soon as the proximity is socially acceptable (for example, when she sits down beside you, you stand beside her). Wait any longer and you’ll come off as a creepy stranger who’s been silently plotting your move for the past five minutes.

You should also have your opening line ready once you approach her. As such:

Essentially, there are three types of opening lines you could use on public transport: situational remarks (“I can’t believe the bus is actually on time for once”), specific compliments (“Nice bag. Where did you get it?”), or something bold and totally out of the blue.

Dudes of San Francisco, may I also suggest, “We should totally tweet about this Muni ride to Muni Diaries.” Try it. It totally works.

Gents, what’s your pickup technique on transit, and ladies, what’s the best overheard pickup line on Muni?

Will a Car-Free Market St. Make Muni More than Mediocre?

Photo by: Kevin on Flickr

Can it be?

Streetsblog SF wrote about growing momentum for a car-free Market Street, once the planned repaving is redone in 2015. People are very much into the idea and some wonder if we can’t have it sooner than that, even.

Whenever it happens — and we’re crossing our fingers that it does — will this make our Market Street Muni run more efficiently? Perhaps there will still be late starts, downed power lines, and pedestrians/bicyclists/transit vehicles moving out of turn. But private cars sharing lanes with transit vehicles is a major piece of the puzzle, from where I stand (and sit, crawling on Van Ness heading home or Market Street on the way to work).

Sound off in the comments and let us know what you think.

Muni Bus for Sale

Got a spare $12K laying around? If you do, check out this steal: a 1969 GMC Fishbowl New Look bus with a rad orange Muni paint job is up for auction on eBay. You read that right: There’s a Muni bus for sale. We’ve told you about New Look buses on Muni Time Capsule before. Check out that post if you’re thinking about making a bid.

This isn’t the first bus on sale — the guys at SFist spotted another bus for sale last year. We’ve also seen a Muni fare box for sale on Craigslist. If you’re the one who bought that fare box, why not buy a bus to keep it company? Or maybe this is perfect for the kind of person who’d buy a Muni shelter?

We’ll do our best to keep up with the auction and get in touch with the winning bidder.

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