Get Entered to Win: Boost Us to 1K Facebook Fans

Photo by Anthony Langford

Want to help us get to 1,000 Facebook fans? That is, want to win cool stuff for helping us get to (and beyond) 1,000 Facebook fans? We’re so close, we can taste it.

Here’s the deal: fan Muni Diaries on Facebook. All our new fans get entered in the contest; that’s everyone who fanned us after this post went live at 11:30 a.m. Thursday until 5 p.m. Friday.

Our lucky winner gets their choice:

  • Two tickets to our upcoming Muni Diaries Live show on Nov. 19. Take a gander at the rockin’ good time we’ve had at previous sold-out Muni Diaries Live events.
  • One of our locally produced little pieces of SF transit history: a Clipper Card holder. Yesterday, we wrote about our freshest, newest batch, and they’re already selling like hotcakes.

We’ll announce the winner here on the site, on the Facebook Page, and on Twitter @munidiaries Monday morning. Good luck and pre-welcome to our new followers!

Hey you, on Muni … can you hear me?

I’m not crazy about poetry, per se. But @LindapopSF‘s blog, Popup Poems, caught my eye for perhaps obvious reasons. She has a section devoted to public transportation, with gems like the above “poem.” They’re scribbled on paper, then held up in front of their subjects and a photo is taken. Brilliant! Check out hella more of these popup poems on public transit here.

Never, ever think that you’ve seen it all.

Fast Pass Clipper Card Holders Are Back!

They’re back! Our second-generation Clipper card holders are once again available now in the Muni Diaries Etsy store. They were lovingly crafted by Heather L. — with tough vinyl to protect the real Fast Passes on the cover, and your Clipper Card (or whatever you wish) inside these cool wallets.

Each Fast Pass Clipper Card holder features an image of an old Muni map on the inside and back. Take another look.

The Clipper Card wallets are only $20, and I’ll wrap it up all pretty for you.

So, dress up your plain old Clipper Card. Get one of our Muni Diaries Fast Pass Clipper Card Holders on Etsy!

“Dog” is my co-pilot

Update: Kristin (@halffullglasses) tweeted the same balloon-animal dog to us from the 16X. She says it was piloting her journey through the Panhandle. Have you spotted it, too? Send us your pics @munidiaries.

Spotted on Steuart Street: the tucked-away terminus of some Muni lines and home to the San Francisco Railway Museum. Rock on, snoozing bus #8205.

If you don’t have a real-life dog to bring on Muni, I see nothing wrong with bringing neon balloon poodles instead.

Winning Muni Review: Rolling it up on the 22

BAD 22 Fillmore
Photo by Salim

Our last winner of $50 from Google Places and Muni Diaries is scorpionturtle. Check out the winning review of the 22 and its…herbal properties:

The 22 line where you get a high just from riding the bus. While you can’t count on it to be on time or even show up at all, your bus driver to follow any of those annoying traffic signs like “stop” or your fellow riders to have washed in the last week you can count on get a contact high from being on the bus. Whether it’s the guys rolling blunts in the back, the reek of their clothes or the guys offer to sell you some you’re sure to be a friend of Mary Janes by the end of the ride even if you are an asthmatic grannie.

Scorpionturtle, email us to claim your prize!

If you’ve got more reviews of your Muni line, you can always meander over to Google Places.

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