Important Things: Giant Styrofoam

@RitaBookNews tweeted us this gem the other day, with this title: “Woman brings a huge, life-size piece of Styrofoam on Muni?”

Question-mark, indeed.

We lament the 500 breaches of Muni etiquette that flew out the window so this thing could have a seat(s). But it does look damned comical just sitting there. Perhaps these are the beginnings of a Halloween costume? It reminded me of Ol’ Drippy from Aqua Teen Hunger Force in its blobularness.

Spotted something cool (balloon animals) or ridiculous (see attached) on your ride? Talk to us about it @munidiaries.

London Bus Diary: On the Lam

Double decker bus and a Taxi, London
Photo by Curtis Cronn

This is cool. Eliane says she went to the Muni Diaries Live Reunion/Open Mic last week and had a blast. She had such a good time, in fact, that she was inspired to pen her very own diary from public transit in her hometown — London, England. Take it away, Eliane:

I was taking the 73 bus home to Stoke Newington one sunny evening. This was in the days when the 73 was a Routemaster – the old style double decker bus with an open back you could jump on and off. It was chugging slowly through Islington and we’d just turned into Upper Street by Angel. It gets busy just there with three lanes of traffic going each way and lots of lights. And it was rush hour so there were lots of cars and buses and vans and so on. Anyway, there we were. A full top deck of commuters ignoring each other, when someone jumped on the bus while it drove along and ran straight upstairs. He was young and looking very nervous, running up and down the aisle, ducking low, looking out of both sides, watching to see if he was being followed. Which he was. By a big security guard who also jumped on the bus and started to climb the stairs. Where could he go? He was trapped. Also turns out he was nuts or on something. He ran for the back of the bus (where the stairs came up) and instead of running down, opened the emergency exit window and climbed out of the bus onto the roof.

Read the rest of Eliane’s London bus diary “And if a double-decker bus …”

Muni News: Caltrain budget, costly cameras on Muni drivers, free Muni for kids

Photo by Brian Brooks

  • Caltrain officials adopt tentative 2013 budget (Silicon Valley Business Journal)
  • Free Muni for youths a step closer (SFGate)
  • CPUC Requires BART, Muni To Install Cameras To Catch Drivers Using Cell Phones (BCN via SF Appeal)
  • Operator surveillance ordered by state will cost BART, Muni big (SF Examiner)
  • Mayoral candidate Bevan Dufty wants life coaches for Muni drivers (City Insider)
  • Muni and poor streets among complaints in new San Francisco survey (SF Examiner)

Beat Us at Muni Trivia and Win Stuff

Yeah yeah yeah, you’re a San Francisco native who knows better than to leave your house without a scarf or say silly stuff like “the Muni.” But how’s your Muni knowledge?

We’re having a Muni trivia contest on the Muni Diaries Facebook page today — first person to answer all three questions correctly wins a Fast Pass Clipper Card Holder and two tickets to our next live show in November!

So keep your eyes peeled for the trivia questions on our Facebook page. We’ll announce the winner by tomorrow morning.

We’d also like to announce the winner of our “Drive for 1K” contest on Facebook last week. All new likes until 5 p.m. were eligible to win. Today, we’re happy to announce that our randomly generated winner is Jen Beeghly-Hills. Jen will receive her choice of a Fast Pass holder or tickets to our next live show. Contact us at to claim your prize!

Oh, the places you’ll go on the 22-Fillmore

Photo by Ian Fuller

Sadly, we just didn’t have enough time at our Muni Diaries Live reunion/open-mic show to have everyone who signed up to share their slice of Muni life onstage. So, we reached out to those individuals to tell their stories here on the website. Enjoy Ellie’s roller coaster chariot of a 22-Fillmore story.

If you ever want to see the entire world without leaving the city, two dollars is all you need for a trip on the 22. I wasn’t planning on visiting Tijuana, Japan, or the cast of Jersey Shore the first time I traveled the Fillmore bus line; I was on my way to see a movie — a Kabuki movie at that!

I had just moved to the city and a friend told me that if the opportunity arouse, I needed to go see a movie at the Kabuki. When she told me this, I had a sudden feeling of nostalgia. So that night, I stuffed a king-sized Kit-Kat in my bag and headed for the corner of Mission and 16th.

After seeing a slew of 14, 49, and 33’s slither by, I decided that it must have been during a stay in San Francisco that the band Whitesnake coined its name. My thought was stopped short by a woman with red-stained jeans, hunched over, and mumbling, “I got my period…I got my period…,” while walking back and forth in front of me.

“Umm…I — I — I’m sorry,” I muttered.

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