Weekend Photos: Busy People

we are very busy people
Photo by Jaymi Heimbuch

For the next two weeks I am steering the good Muni Diaries ship solo, so be kind and share your Muni stories and photos with me? It’s better than cake.

Three fun things to do this weekend:

  • Lit Crawl One of my favorite weeks in San Francisco culminates in Lit Crawl this Saturday. Tons of literary events mostly in the Mission. Check official site for schedule.
  • Trolly Dance. dance performance tours on the K, L, or M lines, and your only admission is to pay your fare. Saturday and Sunday, check for tour times beginning at the SF Main Public Library. 100 Larkin Street. Take Muni there: 5, 9, 19, 21, 47, 49, metro and BART, Civic Center Station
  • Japan Center Anime Fair. Sunday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. From Sailor Moon to points beyond. Japantown Peace Plaza, Post and Buchanan St. Take Muni there: 22, 38, 47, 49

Enjoy these photos and have a great weekend!

Muni Bus Station
Photo by Daniel Hoherd

Renoir Hotel, Hibernia Bank and F
Photo by Patrick

Lookin' at you
Photo by Peter Brantley

Public Transit...(Explored)
Photo by Ricky Brown

Photo by Carolina Madruga

Muni News: Problem shelter, Fleet Week gas cost, litter-punch

A heap of Muni news this week:

  • Problem Muni bus shelter in San Francisco’s Tenderloin could be removed (SF Examiner)
  • BART Cut Cell Service on Spur of the Moment, Emails Show (The Bay Citizen)
  • Dennis Herrera may lose San Francisco Central Subway job (SF Examiner)
  • San Francisco fleet’s gas costs (including for Muni) rise as usage drops (SF Examiner)
  • Public nudity? Who actually rides Muni? Mayor’s debate reveals all (City Insider)
  • 28L-19th Avenue bus stop changes effective Oct. 17 (The Daily Dose)
  • Muni passenger punches woman for littering on bus (SF Examiner)
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