Weekend Photos: Still Indian Summer

37 yrs old yet you slap two trolleys next to each other and I'm instantly 5
Photo by mikedthorn

I just got back into the country after being in southeast Asia for two weeks. Totally have that “two left shoes” feeling. But beer and Game 7 of the World Series and Muni Diaries help ease the blow of being back. I missed you guys!

Eugenia was kind enough (tee hee) to give me the wheel on Weekend Photos. And so …

Halloween happens on on Monday this year, which means we get to celebrate all weekend, all the way into the Day of the Dead!

Three fun things to do:

Zombie Dance and Costume Party, at Metronome Dance Collective. You know you’ve always wanted to dance like Michael Jackson, and now you can. Learn Thriller steps with Ricardo and Christina, followed by a Latin ballroom and salsa party. Tonight at 8 p.m., 1830 17th Street at DeHaro. Take the 10, 19, or 22.

Waldo Pub Crawl (via FunCheapSF). Waldos will be everywhere this Saturday, thanks to this flashmob. Get your red and white stripes ready! Check Waldo Pub Crawl Facebook page for details.

All Hallow’s Eve. Goth and industrial music. Pile on the black eyeliner and black nail polish because this is going to be a good one . Sunday at 9 p.m. DNA Lounge, 375 11th St. Take the 9, 12, 27, or 47.

Enjoy these photos and your weekend!

#228's destination today
Photo by returnoftheyeti

Photo by carwashguy_99

Photo by KyleJSullivan

Photo by Bob at All City

Muni News: Part-time Muni drivers, BART on Halloween, Central Subway back-and-forth

Photo by Kyle Sullivan

  • Supes To Discuss Report Slamming Central Subway Project Thursday (SF Appeal)
  • S.F. should stop syphoning funds from transit agency: mayoral candidate Adachi on Muni (SF Public Press)
  • Part time Muni drivers hit the streets (Rescue Muni)
  • Transit agencies urged to coordinate service (SFGate)
  • BART to run longer trains but no extended service on Halloween weekend and Oct. 31 (BART.gov)
  • Dozens Speak For, Against Central Subway At Supes Meeting (SF Appeal)
  • BART talks on cell phone blackouts extended (SFGate)

Flying Projectile on Caltrain

This story was told to me by my friend Nadia.

I had a nice shopping day in San Francisco and was taking the train back to the South Bay with a work colleague one evening a few weeks ago. My friend and I were just chatting casually, at a pretty normal volume, when we heard some shushing from a group of teenagers behind us.

They couldn’t possibly be talking about us, right?

The next thing we knew, a piece of crumbled up paper flew past our heads in the air and landed right on my lap. I opened it and it said, “Can you please Shut The Fuck Up!”

We were in disbelief, and then another note, pretty much along the same lines as the previous one, shot through the air and landed on our laps.

Well, we went over to ask them if the notes were really necessary, then after a little going back and forth, let’s just say we ended up in different cars.

Flying notes. Being shushed by teenagers. Never a dull day in transit, I guess.

So you think Muni Diaries is just Muni? We have Caltrain and other Bay Area transit stories too! Or you can always follow our proud Twitter spawns, @caltraindiaries, @bartdiaries, and @actransitdiaries to get a dose of daily hilarity on public transit.

The Muni Worm vs. Other Transit System Logos

Photo by Todd Lappin

Over on the PS Print blog, Rosie muses about growing up in the 415, loving the Muni worm logo, and eventually learning that it actually spelled something. She then goes on to compare our dear emblem against logos for transit systems the world over:

Thanks to Metrobits.org, which compiled transit and subway system logos from around the world, I can finally compare Muni to other logos and pick out some of my favorite domestic and international transit logos.

We reported in back in August on an attempt to update the Muni worm, and the opinions flurried. Odd, that.

What do you think of the Muni worm compared with other transit-system logos? Read PS Print’s post and let us know.

PS: Tara and I just returned from Hanoi, where the transit system (Hanoibus) proudly wears its rather generic logo:

Muni Operator Dares Car Driver

L-Taraval MUNI
Photo by Jeff Rosen

Christopher D. Lewis sent in a tale of drive-or-dare.

I’m a regular rider of the L-Terrible. Of late I’ve become increasingly irritated by auto drivers who decide that when a Muni train stops to let passengers off and on, that they can accelerate past the train and get ahead of it, despite the fact that, of course that we all know the passengers have right of way on the street when boarding/disembarking the train. It’s gotten so bad that nowadays I refuse to get off the train by the door in the very back of the train.

A few nights ago I was on the L with one of my favourite train operators (I recognise his voice: once at Taraval and 22nd where the L stops outside the KFC/Taco Bell he reminded us that this was “The KFC stop, and it’s finger licking good”!). This operator decided to reprimand one rogue driver for whizzing past the train and almost knocking over an elderly passenger as she got off the train.

He opened all the doors then screamed over the loudspeaker system: “You jackass! You trying to kill my passengers? Why don’t you come on here and try that with me!” The car driver sped off but it put a smile on my face and on my fellow Muni passengers. I like a Muni operator who will stand up for his passengers and hopefully avoid us getting killed by some ignorant driver trying to get home in a hurry.

We like a Muni driver who looks out for us too! Got your own colorful Muni tale? We’re all about it.

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