Impromptu U2 Medley Aboard the 49-Van Ness

Photo by Brian Brooks

Muni rider Mozart sent us this audio snippet from his ride home aboard the 49-Van Ness. Warning: The clip devolves for a bit into completely offensive, inappropriate ranting, so FYI and throw on some headphones if you’re at work. The clip was just very San Francisco in many different ways, for better or worse.


I thought it might be Omer, the infamous Mission District sidewalk “musician.” After seeing a photo of Omer, Mozart thought it could be him. What do you think? I’ve never seen Omer on Muni, but it seems like he’d draw a lot of attention on it.

Muni News: New BART chief, Church/Duboce work on hold, discount BART tickets

Photo by Justin Beck

  • SFMTA set to approve $2.5 million contract for workers comp investigation services (SF Examiner)
  • BART’s new chief takes over at tough time (SFGate)
  • Improvements being made to interior of Rockridge Station (
  • What Will the Next Mayor Do For Muni? (Streetsblog SF)
  • Church and Duboce Project Construction Cancelled for this Weekend (SFMTA)
  • SFMTA Director Ed Reiskin at next Rescue Muni board meeting (Rescue Muni)
  • BART ticket discounts may be implemented for frequent riders (SF Examiner)

San Francisco’s Next Mayor and Muni

Orange City Hall (w/ MUNI)
Photo by t-dawg

We’re mere days away from casting our votes for the next mayor of San Francisco. We had a hunch that matters having to do with Muni might possibly, hypothetically, maybe be near and dear to your heart. And so we point you to our two-part series in which we asked candidates about their experiences with Muni — whether it, like, shows up for them and their cool stories as regular riders — plus their ideas for fixing the beleaguered transit agency.

Muni Stories From Your Mayoral Candidates
How Will the SF Mayoral Candidates Fix Muni?

For more mayor+Muni information, check out SF Public Press’s series of interviews with candidates. And here’s Streetsblog SF’s post on what the next SF mayor will do for Muni.

To the polls!

Halloween or Muni or Williamsburg?

Photo by @hotchallah

We’re finally getting all the Halloween transit photos in our inbox and some of them look suspiciously just like another day on Muni…or Williamsburg, for that matter. Can you tell the difference? Is “sexy George Washington” (via @hotchallah) going to a Halloween party or just another day on Muni?

Found on the 27: Jack Sparrow
Photo by Brian

Jack Sparrow riding the bus? Why not. Is this Halloween or just Johnny Depp on his way to work?

Photo by @metsfaninCA

Whoa, how can you breathe under there? Is this a Halloween Thing or just regular Muni Thing?

Photo by @simplepunkk

Halloween or Muni’s revenge on organized religion? (via @simplepunkk)

Photo by @cleverdirt

What do you think, Halloween or traveling back in time on Muni?

Ok here’s an easy one from @JamesTamplin.

Photo by @JamesTamplin

His tiny size and candy pail are dead giveaways.

One more: this is not Muni. But is it Halloween? From the awesome Halloween or Williamsburg.

“And just like that, the American Apparel mannequin got up, stole a bag, and exited the store.”

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