Bruce Lee Raps on BART

BART rider Nick saw this Bruce Lee look-alike rapping on BART last week (note: not Halloween!). Yes, Bruce Lee. Rapping. On BART. Words that shouldn’t belong in the same sentence, but then again, anything can happen on Muni and BART!

Click the video to see Bruce Lee in his full rhyming glory.

Thanks, Nick!

Muni News: New BART seats, holiday BART schedule, weigh in on TEP

the show never stops
Photo by torbakhopper

  • BART Board OKs trial of vinyl seat covers to replace fabric in 100 train cars ( | (BCN via SF Appeal)
  • GOP betrays its love of cars, votes to kill federal funding for high-speed rail (Merced Sun-Star)
  • BART moving forward on late-night bus service (Contra Costa County Times)
  • Muni targets 14-Mission, 14-Limited for service improvements (City Insider)
  • BART’s Fleet of the Future will employ American know-how (
  • Public invited to weigh in on Muni Transit Effectiveness Project (SF Examiner)
  • Thanksgiving service: longer trains for travelers, Sunday schedule on holiday (

Man Struck and Killed by Train at 24 Street BART Station

Against the Rain
Photo by Brandon

The 24 Street BART Station has reopened after closing for several hours this afternoon due to a fatality on the tracks. A man stepped out on the tracks and was struck by the BART train, reports The San Francisco Appeal:

According to BART spokesperson Luna Salaver, a man reportedly laid down on the tracks in front of A San Francisco International Airport-bound train at 3:20 this afternoon.

As of 5:15 PM, BART says major delays continue in the SFO, Millbrae and East Bay directions, but the 24th Street station has reopened.

MissionLocal has an eyewitness report:

The train travelling from 16th street came to an abrupt stop at the 24th St. Mission station, according to Mike Meenan, a passenger on the train. Meenan said the train driver announced an emergency evacuation over the loudspeaker. Meenan also noted that the conductor sounded shaken and out of breath when he made the announcement.

Then Meenan, who was sitting towards the front of the train, overheard the conductor ask: “Sir, are you under there?”


We’ll keep you updated if more information becomes available.

Weekend Photos: You Know You’re in San Francisco When…

Oh you know just another morning in SF- Starbucks, Apple, and some light S&M reading on the train.
Photo by tweetsweet

Just another day in San Francisco, right? Just reading a book on Muni. No big deal…

Three fun things to do this weekend:

  • Soul Dance Party.  $5 off if you wear your semi-formal attire. How much do I love an excuse to dress up? Bring out your best clothes and dance all night. Saturday at the Elbo Room. 647 Valencia Street. Take Muni there: 14, 33, 49. BART: 16th Street Station.
  • Block by Block by Campo Santo. Campo Santo’s original work created with hip-hop theater collective Felonious and writings from Junot Díaz (The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao). De Young Museum. 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive. November 17, 18, 19, 7 pm. Take Muni there: 5, 44, N.
  • Meet Chef Mourad Lahlou of Aziza. The new cookbook by chef Mourad Lahlou made me really hungry and inspired me to organize my spice cabinet. Meet him at Green Apple Books, taste some delicious food, and learn more about Moroccan cooking. Saturday, Nov. 19, 1 p.m. Green Apple Books. 506 Clement Street. Take Muni there: 1, 2, 38, 44

Enjoy these photos and your weekend!

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

It's for your safety.
Photo by Dave Spencer

I Got Work to Do
Photo by Shawn Clover

short cat is short
Photo by Bhautik Joshi

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