Project Art a Day Featuring Muni

Photo by Tofuart

For most of us, it’s a challenge to produce even one piece of art that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to hang on your wall. But reader “Tofu St. John” has embarked on a brave project this year: he produced a 4″ by 4″ mixed media piece every day as a reflection of the day.

Last week he devoted the Nov. 21 piece to Muni, seen above. You can learn more about his project at 2011 or see his daily progress on the 2011Project blog. Or, send him a postcard and help him make the first piece of art for 2012.

Black Friday Sale: Fast-Pass Card Holders, T-Shirts 25% Off!

No, really, why don’t people just buy stuff online for this “holiday,” with jammies and heater on? Good thing your favorite website allows you to do just that.

So, the great news for you, your favorite San Franciscan, transit-lover, or all of the above: T-shirts and Clipper Card holders in the Muni Diaries Etsy store are now 25-percent off. No need to even type in a special code: prices are already adjusted for a limited time.

Support local artists and show your uber-San Francisconess this holiday season. Our Muni Diaries T-shirt is designed by New Skool’s Nate1, bearing an important message: long live the Fast Pass! Clipper Card holders — each featuring a 100-percent-real Fast Pass — are crafted by Heather L at Heathered.

Because as much as we all love to bag on Muni, we do love us some San Francisco.

Muni News: Central Subway fact sheet, cars vs. Muni, overtime

Sleeping Milans
Photo by Whole Wheat Toast

  • Rescue Muni Issues Central Subway Fact Sheet (Rescue Muni)
  • Note to S.F. Muni fare cheats: Time to pay up (C.W. Nevius at SFGate)
  • Parking costs a tired way of balancing Muni budget (editorial by Ken Garcia at SF Examiner — who else?)
  • Man Accused Of Muni iPhone Theft Acquitted (BCN via SF Appeal)
  • Muni overtime use under fire from San Francisco supervisor (SF Examiner)
  • Ed Reiskin ‘dream job’: S.F. transportation chief (Nevius at SFGate)
  • Emily Dunn Update: Will Muni Driver be Charged with Death of SF Woman? (SF Weekly)

Photo Diary: Someone to Watch Over Muni

Photo by Raymond Ruiz

The illustrious Doc Pop sent us an adorable Postagram (picture below) the other day of these stuffed animals watching over the Potrero Yard. Here they are again, by reader Raymond Ruiz and Nick Fisher. There is always room for cuties on the bus.

Photo by Doc Pop

One more, with the tiny animals on the left all lined up and standing at attention this time…

Photo by Nick.Fisher

5 Reasons to Thank Muni (Really)

Thank You
Photo by Danny Howard

Usually when you say, “Thanks, Muni,” you’re probably saying it with as least a twinge of sarcasm. But today, in honor of Thanksgiving, here are our top five reasons to give thanks to Muni and its passengers, straight from your daily Muni ride.

1. Being the background to contagious, inexplicable laughter.

2. Having drivers who are patient enough to wait as we sprint toward the bus.

3. Being the vehicle for a Lady Gaga Poker Face sing-along.

4. Speaking of singing, lots of us are thankful for the singing driver who makes announcing the stops a daily entertainment.

5. Being the absolutely essential element in gorgeous photographs of San Francisco, like in this black and white photo gallery of Muni.

Got your own reasons? Let us know. We’re always thankful for your stories, comments, and photos, any day of the year.

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