How I dress on Mondays

man wearing blanket on muni by kevinkelleher

How many times do you wish you could just do this at work? Like, “don’t look at me, I haven’t had coffee,” and then just pull out your blanket from under your desk and make everything go away. Thanks to @kevinkelleherphotography on Instagram for submitting this photo.

Got other important news for your fellow riders? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox is always open!

Muni Diaries Live is back this Saturday, April 15 at the Elbo Room! All the best stories live on stage, and we are bringing back the haiku battle! Tickets on sale.

SFPD arrests suspect in new ‘Muni humper’ case

police n judah muni humper case jerold chinn

Less than 24 hours after we reported the case of a man who was sexually assaulting women on Muni by rubbing himself against them, the police made an arrest in the case. There were at least four victims in the case, and one of them had commented with her own horrifying account in our original post yesterday.

The San Francisco Examiner reported yesterday that “additional police officers were directed to ride the N-Judah between downtown stations and the avenues.”

SFBay’s Jerold Chinn saw police officers riding on the N yesterday afternoon and tweeted the photo above.

According to SFPD spokesperson Grace Gatpandan, an office from the Taraval Station met with one of the victims yesterday and disseminated the photo of the suspect to Muni Division officers.

More from the SFPD:

Richmond Station officers were able to identify the suspect. Park Station officers located the suspect at Carl and Stanyan Streets and took him into custody without incident. The suspect, a 45 year old white male, is being charged with multiple misdemeanors including sexual battery, sexual battery on public transportation,‎ continuing offense of public nuisance and one felony count of false imprisonment.

The police has not released the name and photo of the suspect, and asks that anyone with more information about the case call the SFPD Anonymous Tip Line at 415-575-4444 or text a tip to TIP411 with SFPD at the beginning of the message.

SFPD: Be on the lookout for another ‘Muni humper’

Muni humper

Update, 6:55 a.m., April 5, 2017:
The police arrested the suspect last night! According to SFPD spokesperson Grace Gatpandan, an office from the Taraval Station met with one of the victims yesterday and disseminated the photo of the suspect to Muni Division officers.

More from the SFPD:

Richmond Station officers were able to identify the suspect. Park Station officers located the suspect at Carl and Stanyan Streets and took him into custody without incident. The suspect, a 45 year old white male, is being charged with multiple misdemeanors including sexual battery, sexual battery on public transportation,‎ continuing offense of public nuisance and one felony count of false imprisonment.

The police has not released the name and photo of the suspect, and asks that anyone with more information about the case call the SFPD Anonymous Tip Line at 415-575-4444 or text a tip to TIP411 with SFPD at the beginning of the message.

Update, 5:49 p.m., April 4, 2017:

Muni Diaries reader Courtney actually had an exchange with this suspect. She requests that we withhold her last name. From the Muni Diaries Facebook page, Courtney commented:

He was on the N going outbound and got on at Church and Duboce. He tried to hump two women from behind and I intercepted both times (stared at him, “accidentally” hit his hand with my umbrella etc.) and followed him through the train. He then tried to hump a woman’s shoulder who was sitting in a seat and I finally told him that he needed to give her some room. He asked why I was following him through the train and I told him it’s because “you’ve tried to dry hump about three women so far and I’m not having it.” I yelled it loud enough so the whole car could hear me and he sat down huffing and puffing for the rest of the ride while I stood beside him, glaring.

Ew! Thanks, Courtney, for the update.

Original post, 11:24 a.m. April 4, 2017:

The San Francisco Police Department is looking for a man they say is assaulting women on Muni by rubbing himself against unsuspecting passengers, ABC7‘s Lilian Kim reports:

“I felt someone banging against me,” said Michelle, who only wants to share her first name. She couldn’t believe what happened to her on the outbound N-Judah last Thursday. She says a man was rubbing against her, something she says she witnessed him doing to another woman weeks earlier, also on Muni. “I was very angry because the fact that this was the second time, me seeing the guy made me think, ‘He must do this regularly,'” she said.

Riders took photos of the suspect, posted on, and police say the public should be on the lookout.

In 2009, Muni Diaries readers helped SFPD nab another man who was “humping” the shoulders of female riders. The story was originally submitted as a horrified account of an N-Judah rider; after publication, more readers came forward with similar experiences, and the police caught the suspect with your help.

If you have information for the police about the new Muni perp, here’s the SFPD tip line.

Found on BART: Your direct line to God

god phone number on bart from we built this city

On BART, a very thoughtful believer has left an important tip for you. This comes to us via @TheRealWBTC, who says, “Oh good, I’m gonna have a lot of questions for her when I call. A LOTTA questions.”

Speaking of which, if God had a hotline, what do you think God’s phone tree must look like?

Muni Diaries Live is back on April 15 at the Elbo Room! All the best stories live on stage, and we are bringing back the haiku battle! Tickets on sale.

Rabbit on a leash waits for Muni

rabbit on muni

From the depths of Reddit comes this delightful street snap: A rabbit on a leash, complete with adorably snug harness, waiting for Muni at Powell station. Redditor Amg137 reports that the rabbit was “was amazingly chill considering how loud that station can be.” Perhaps those bunny ears cover some of the noise from the train?

rabbit on muni reddit amg137

Observe: floppy bunny ears and…is that front-paw foldage?

Shh, don’t tell the Muni rabbit this Boston rabbit rode the T with a bit more freedom:

boston transit rabbit

Photo via Boston Transit Police/Daily Mail UK

Hat tip to Amy Y. at Capp Street Crap and our sister in the Twitterverse, @BARTDiaries.

Related: More Animals on Muni!

It’s hard for Muni to say sorry

muni train sorry by kate conger

…but it just wants you to know. Better late than never?

@kateconger snapped this simple atonement from Muni the other day. But you may be surprised (like, really surprised) to know this isn’t the first time the Metro surfaced with an unexpected apology — like this one from Muni rider Patrick:


Or this blurry polite contrition, via Muni rider Alice:

Though Muni, by our count, has been apologetic for everything at least three times, I think Muni riders write much better heartfelt apologies. Here’s one: “Sorry about the dog shit thing this morning” (“To everybody that was riding the 2 (or was it the 3?) bus inbound to the Financial District on Thursday, July 19 (around 8:30 a.m.). I sincerely apologize for potentially getting dog shit on you. It wasn’t my intention.”

Or how about “Dad: Sorry my son puked on you on Muni” (“Fellow J riders: I’m so sorry. My 4-year old son projectile vomited on some of you at about 8:30 on February 3.”).

What other confessions did you hear or see on Muni today? We’re all ears.

Muni Diaries Live is back on April 15 at the Elbo Room! All the best stories live on stage, and we are bringing back the haiku battle! Tickets on sale now.

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