The topic for this week is BART. Specifically, how the strike highlights the differences between BART and Muni. As usual, you guys don’t fail to heed the call:
1. As crappy as #sfmuni is sometimes today I’m glad I don’t commute on bart #bartstrike
2. OH: I have to leave early to mentally prepare for all the people, lines and crowds. Me: I HAVE TO DO THAT EVERY DAY #Muni
3. One day of the #bartstrike should give a tiny insight into how awful #sfmuni is daily.
4. Shoutout to #SFMuni for takin’ it enjoyably high up the ass for #Bart
5. Even with the strike, #BART is getting just as many people to their destinations on-time as #SFMuni is: zero.
These glorious insights are brought to you by @_curiousbob, @michesf, @ChloeBeazy, @illuminatities, and @chrismika. Remember to follow us on Twitter (fast approaching 10K followers!) and send your quips to @munidiaries!