“Back Then, Muni Terrified Me”

anna muni fillmore

Funny how something as small as riding the bus can serve as a marker of a period in your life in San Francisco. We found this mini diary on Tumblr from Anna Takes Photos:

I want to share this rather crooked, boring photo because I found it hidden on my flickr and it’s kind of sentimental now. I took this in June of 2008, five years ago, while waiting to get into a show at the Fillmore. I was in high school, I lived in shitty suburbia, music was the only good thing in my life. I remember my friend and I would sit outside that post office and these buses would keep going by. Back then Muni terrified me. Five years later, I live in San Francisco and ride that very same bus that goes past the Fillmore almost every day.

Do you also remember parts of your life by the bus you rode at the time?

Five Muni Moments: BART vs. Muni


The topic for this week is BART. Specifically, how the strike highlights the differences between BART and Muni. As usual, you guys don’t fail to heed the call:

1. As crappy as #sfmuni is sometimes today I’m glad I don’t commute on bart #bartstrike
2. OH: I have to leave early to mentally prepare for all the people, lines and crowds. Me: I HAVE TO DO THAT EVERY DAY #Muni
3. One day of the #bartstrike should give a tiny insight into how awful #sfmuni is daily.
4. Shoutout to #SFMuni for takin’ it enjoyably high up the ass for #Bart
5. Even with the strike, #BART is getting just as many people to their destinations on-time as #SFMuni is: zero.

These glorious insights are brought to you by @_curiousbob, @michesf, @ChloeBeazy, @illuminatities, and @chrismika. Remember to follow us on Twitter (fast approaching 10K followers!) and send your quips to @munidiaries!

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