Your Weekend Transit Advisory: America’s Cup, Market repaving, Clement farmer’s market

It even kinda (kinda) feels like summer, y’all.

America’s Cup
America’s Cup events will take place at the America’s Cup Park located at Pier 27 and America’s Cup Village located on Marina Green this weekend. Races are scheduled for approximately 12:15 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, each day.

Muni will continue to provide supplemental transportation services to welcome the America’s Cup sailing fans and to keep the city moving:

· MS-Marina-Pier 27 bus shuttles from Pier 27 to Bay & Fillmore near Marina Green will run between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
· MM-Market-Marina bus shuttles from Civic Center BART/Muni station to Bay & Fillmore near Marina Green will run between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
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Intercom Responds to BART Sex Couple, BART Police Investigates

bart intercom response
Photo by zagraves

One more thing before you wipe the sight of two people boning on BART out of your memory: here’s the audio response (creatively borrowed from BART’s intercom) regarding banging on public transit.

Listen to the audio reply on the “BARTsex” section of Josh Ellingson’s blog.

And SFGate reports that “BART police probe porn video shot on train.”

(Is everyone in the SFGate newsroom still giggling about using the word “probe” in that headline there?)

By the way, if you want to hear more candid opinions from the BART PA system, here’s “the truth about BART.”

Learn to Dance in a Year, Show it off on BART

dance in a year on bart

Karen learned how to dance in a year, starting with a very awkward first day. She practiced everywhere and guess where she decided to show off her final accomplishment? At the South San Francisco BART station, of course.

People who watch me dance today sometimes assume I’ve been dancing for many years. I made this video so you could see the awkward body that started just one year ago.

Here’s my secret: I practiced everywhere. At bus stops. In line at the grocery store. At work — Using the mouse with my right hand and practicing drills with my left hand. You don’t have to train hardcore for years to become a dancer. But you must be willing to practice and you better be hungry.

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Videos: BART Twerking and Sexing (NSFW)

bart sex screen cap
Screen capture via @realniggajay on Vine

Remember when Paris Hilton got famous for filming a sex tape? Looks like some people had the same idea, but instead of filming it at the Bellagio (which is like, who cares), these guys made a sex tape on BART. Ew.

Readers @realniggajay and @strawnarrybiebs sent this video to our little sis, @bartdiaries, and the video predictably made the internet rounds. If you are so inclined (and are safely out of the view of your coworkers), you can find the video on Vine. NSFW — you’ve been warned.
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