Squeals of Delight (Finally) on the 19-Polk


An arguably more-welcome sight on the 19-Polk than the usual, wouldn’t you say?

From Muni rider D:

While on the 19-Polk today I saw a young girl squeal with delight at this little face. Definitely NOT a reindeer chihuahua! Such a sweetie that licked my hand as I petted her.

Well add my squeals of delight to the fracas (do you hear them?), because we haven’t had one of these on Muni Diaries since the holiday chihuahua of 2010.

Ghost on the 5-Fulton


Do you believe in ghosts? I don’t. But lately, for whatever reason, I’m sorta fascinated with them. Then Muni rider Sean sent us this, and it’s kinda freakin me out:

“Just saw this around 730am on the 5 heading downtown!!!!!!!”

There was a ghost, in a white sheet and everything, on the 5-Fulton, you guys!

BART Prepares for Possible Second Strike


That brief memory of BART being on strike over July 4 weekend could get a lot more real in just a few days. BART and its labor unions met today, and the two sides still couldn’t reach an agreement, SFGate reports. The 30-day contract extension from the strike earlier this month is coming up, which means that at midnight on Sunday, Aug. 4, BART workers could strike again, and this time perhaps for longer.

Union representatives have been criticizing BART’s lead negotiator’s vacation during the talks. From SF Appeal/Bay City News:

SEIU Local 1021 executive director Pete Castelli said negotiations have been ongoing but have been proceeding more slowly than they should because BART’s lead negotiator, Thomas Hock, has been on vacation for the past 10 days.

Castelli said that means the parties have only been able to talk about small supplemental issues during that time instead of the bigger sticking points, which he said are wages, benefits and worker safety.

But [Transit district spokesman Rick] Rice said Hock’s vacation was approved by the state mediator back on July 7 and that the parties have still been able to talk about important matters in his absence.

The two sides will be back at the table Tuesday and daily until Sunday to try to reach an agreement over the labor dispute at the center of the discussion. You all weighed in during the first strike and there didn’t seem to be any tolerable transit options at the time. If BART strikes again, will you have different transit alternatives this time around? Time to sharpen that walking stick?

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