Transit News: Muni on-time stats, more cops on Muni, BART safety concerns, phones on Muni

Photo by cjmartin

  • Some progress seen in Muni’s on-time numbers (SFGate)
  • Muni to Add More Cops on Buses (SF Weekly)
  • Hearing to probe safety at BART and issues related to recent tragedy (SF Bay Guardian)
  • Ed Lee Spends $1 Million to Try and Get Muni Passengers to Hang Up Their Phones (SF Weekly)
  • Drone Primer Now on Display in Muni Bus Shelters (SF Weekly)

Muni Missed Connection: What are you reading, hot guy?


Reading is sexy. I mean, you’re doing it right now. You’re sexy.

But bacon meets hotdog has cast a line.

this hot guy on muni is probably foreign (he has weird tennis shoes).

perhaps he’s reading some book that gives him a snapshot of american life and culture? his pouty lips say “i’m not impressed.” a man after my own heart!

hot guys on muni have been sparse lately. mostly because the damn munis are so packed i can’t get decent shots.

Hot guys on Muni, where have you gone?

Also, what’s up, flipflops girl with feet on the seat?

Packed Muni Train Takes Off Without Driver

A KT-Ingleside train full of passengers took off Wednesday morning without the driver after the driver stepped out to fix the door, possibly (according to SFGate anyway) forgetting to set the emergency brake. Ghost ride the Muni? According to SFGate:

A rider brought the train to a halt in the tunnel between the Castro and Forest Hill stations by activating the emergency brake, Muni said.

Passengers were never in danger because the train was under automatic control, said John Haley, director of transit for the Municipal Railway. But the incident is under investigation, and the operator is on paid leave and is undergoing routine drug and alcohol testing, Haley said. The driver’s name has not been released.

SFGate says that a passenger frantically came down the aisle saying that there was no driver. Another passenger finally hit the emergency brake and stopped the train, SFGate reports. More from SFGate on the ghost train.

Boston transit: “Upskirt” photos protected speech?

Photo by anitakhart

Think a guy who takes photos up women’s skirts on the train is a disgusting pervert who deserves to be arrested? Not so, according to a Boston area defense lawyer.

In what has to be the most mind-blowing legal argument ever, the attorney for an Andover, Massachusetts, man recently argued in court that up-the-skirt photos her client took on the Green Line of Boston’s MBTA should be protected by the First Amendment. She also said that passengers on public transit should have no expectation of privacy under the state’s Peeping Tom law.

Kind of gives new meaning to the term “look out below,” doesn’t it?

Via Boston Magazine

What it’s like to draw people on Muni

muni from Avner Geller on Vimeo.

Hella people draw their fellow Muni passengers. It’s good practice, and lord knows there’s never a dearth of interesting characters on the bus.

Muni rider Avner shares the unique perspective of how those people react to being “drawn on Muni.”

“My name is Avner Geller. I am an artist living in San Francisco and working in the animation industry. I take the muni to work every day, and usually sketch the different passengers. People often ask me how do people react if they catch me…I made this little clip as an answer to how it feels.”

Thanks, Avner!

So, have you ever knowingly been drawn drawn on Muni? How did you react?

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