Not enough seats on BART? Just bring your own!


DIY is a way of life. Around here, one of the forms that takes is people bringing their own seating on public transit. We’ve seen people sitting in chairs in and around Muni plenty of times.

Now, BART rider Pablo brings us this little tale:

I saw this snazzy-looking fella in Balboa Park sitting on his office chair like it ain’t no thang. He then proceeded to take it with him on a ride to Civic Center. Too bad it wasn’t rush hour time or this man would have achieved legendary status by sitting on the chair he apparently carries around for personal use WHILE ON BART.

Total nut job or genius of the century? YOU DECIDE.

Also, it was pretty amusing seeing his chair roll around all over the car when he wasn’t looking. Maybe this can also turn into a new pastime, like catch the chicken, only with an office chair instead.

Maybe Pablo is right.

Transformer face-tattoo guy amuses, creeps out Muni riders

Photo by mrtruffle (not the person depicted in this post)

From the sounds of these tweets, he’s either the actual World’s Most Interesting Man, or just your average dime store jerk. Who are we to decide?

First, Muni rider Shelby caught our eye:

Then, friend of Muni Diaries, Katie, chimed in:

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BART shares common-sense etiquette rules

Because some adults need help chewing their food and tying their shoelaces, BART has put together this tutorial on how not to be an asshole.

A list of no-shit BART rules of thumb:

  • 0:20: Look for emptier cars in front or in the back of your train.
  • 0:30: Form a line behind the “do not cross this line or you will die” yellow markers.
  • 0:37: Get the fuck out of the way so that people on the train can off-board. See also: elevators.
  • 0:47: Don’t crowd the door area when there are empty spaces like, three feet away down the aisle.
  • 0:57: (everyone’s favorite) Take your goddam backpack off when you’re standing up! And don’t make us tell you again!
  • 1:09: Don’t put your feet on the seat or we will beat you to a bloody pulp.
  • 1:16: Give up your seat unless you want us to brand your forehead with “asshole” writ large.
  • 1:25: Stack bikes when there are more than one. And don’t block the door or aisle with your bike, mkay?
  • 1:36: Unless you’re a masochist who enjoys torture by mob, don’t hold the doors open.

There you have it. Thanks, BART. Now we no longer have to deal with any of these transgressions ever again, right?

Did you think they were going to use TLC’s “No Scrubs” as the soundtrack, also? Because at first, I thought they might just use “No Scrubs” as the soundtrack.

Tools with blades on the 6-Parnassus

Photo by Ian Fuller

Things that make you go “huh” and bonus Muni-operator kudos, via Muni rider Vicki:

“At about 10:30 am the other day, on the Outbound 6, at Haight and Buena Vista West: Delusional guy next to me is fondling a “tool” with a 12″ blade, caressing it lovingly for 10 minutes. The new driver, a woman and her trainer, a man, unbeknownst to me, had the whole thing totally handled. A motorcycle cop boarded and smoothly talked this disturbed guy off of the bus, without a problem. I think the bus # was 5417, not sure, but they were all on it! Kudos to that trainer who very coolly pretended to ignore the guy so as not to incite him.”

First of all, so rarely does “fondling,” “tool,” and “caressing” show up in the same submission without it meaning the other thing. And so rarely does anything with a 12-inch blade go well for anyone on a Muni bus. Well done, driver and trainer for spotting a potential problem before it became a real problem.

Hey, guess what, Vicki posted this on the Muni Diaries Facebook page. Aren’t you totally inspired to post your own story, whether it involves tool fondling or some other eyebrow-raising activity? Yeah, I am basically trying to get “tool fondling” into this post as much as possible because I’m 12 years old.

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