Google Glass and Muni, together at last


It was bound to happen sooner or later. Buzz-item/fetish tech object Google Glass was just bound to be spotted on Muni one of these days. Here, then, is the first time we’re recording a sighting.

We hope he fared better than, well, you know who.

Via Muni rider Juan Karlos: “2/28/14: People wearing Google Glass on Muni Glasstrend is starting*”

*As always, your editor removed hashtags because he loves you.

Transit News: Singing Muni driver, shuttles, shuttles, moar shuttles

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

  • Muni driver adds a note of cheer to the 29-Sunset (SFGate)
  • Google’s Muni gift won’t stop appeal against S.F. commuter shuttle program (SF Examiner)
  • S.F. shuttles tread on Muni’s turf as pilot program aims to cut overlap (SF Examiner)
  • Dear Google: Here’s How to Make San Francisco Love You Again (SF Weekly)
  • SFMTA puts people of SF first (Ed Reiskin opinion on SF Examiner)
  • Regional transit agencies use Muni stops at no cost with no hassle (SF Examiner)
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