You could help shape bus rapid transit on Van Ness Avenue

Image via SF Arts Commission

Van Ness bus rapid transit has become more and more a reality. SFMTA is now asking you (yes, you!) to participate in the Van Ness BRT Community Advisory Committee (CAC). From SFMTA’s website:

“The CAC will provide input to the Van Ness Bus Rapid Transit project team by providing varied perspectives from the surrounding community and city, including feedback and guide decisions related to the design, construction and implementation of the Van Ness BRT. The issues, goals, and concerns relating to the surrounding community will be taken into consideration within the context of supporting this important project.”

Go to the SFMTA site to find out more about Van Ness BRT. Help shape what promises to be a big improvement for transit in San Francisco by applying for the advisory CAC here.

Best Missed Connection With Douchebag on the Train

Photo by Steve Rhodes

Some dude walks up to a woman on the train, tells her that she needs to lose weight, then exits the train. The poor woman starts to cry. Then a fellow passenger wrote the most scathing, best Missed Connection verbal beat-down of all time!

This happened on the T in Boston, but I can see any Muni rider writing the this too.

To the shitstain who made a woman cry on the T – w4m – 30 (Stony Brook T Station)

You got up right before the Stony Brook stop and said something in a low voice to the woman next to you. You exited the train and she burst into tears. I asked her what you said—-and in between sobs she goes, “he said ‘Have some respect for yourself and lose some weight’

Oh shit, you said that to a complete fucking stranger, an innocent person trying to read a book on her ride home!!! Yeah dog, you sure did, and then you turned heel and walked off like the miserable coward you are.

You publicly humiliated another human and made her cry. How truly fucking horrifying of you. She was totally stunned, and devastated. . .is that what you wanted to see happen? Are you that much of a nightmare that you are PLEASED by making people cry? Total strangers even? I don’t think I can fully express to you what an absolute skidmark you are, but here goes:

You: blond, slicked hair, hipsterish. You manage to be both tasteless and sanctimonious, and something tells me you brag about loving Bukowski even though you only made it 80 pages deep into Women. You definitely think you’re smarter than everyone, and you love reflective surfaces.”

The excellent thrashing continues, and you can read the rest on Jezebel.

Transit News: Muni (lack of) cleanliness, slower, costlier Muni, Muni drivers’ lawsuit

Photo by Morgan.Everett

  • Survey States the Obvious: San Francisco Commuters Dissatisfied with Cleanliness Onboard Muni (SF Weekly)
  • Report: Muni travels slower, costs more to operate than peer cities’ transit (SF Examiner)
  • Red flags for drivers tempted to enter transit-only lanes (SFGate)
  • SF takes aim at graffiti vandals, tries to lessen burden on victims (SF Examiner)
  • Muni Drivers’ Class-Action Suit May Cost the Agency Millions of Tardy Dollars (SF Weekly)
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