Muni Haiku Battle Showdown this Saturday!

This Saturday marks the return of our Muni haiku battle between reigning champion Jesse James and first-time challenger Ed Casey of @BARTDiaries. Will Ed’s 17 syllables include the material from naked twerking on BART? We can only hope.

Here’s a video from the last Muni haiku battle, where two-time champion James Nestor battled Jesse in a very close fight.

See the battle go down this Saturday, April 5, at Muni Diaries Live at the Elbo Room! Get your advanced tickets.

Muni Haiku Battle is a spawn of Tourettes Without Regrets. If you haven’t seen Tourettes, you gotta go!

Fell in love on Muni


After nearly six years* of running this website, we’ve seen the full range of emotions taking place on public transit. But next to puppies and little kids, people falling in love on Muni is kinda the best.

Against all odds, really. Or connecting via commiseration? Whatever the reason, everybody say, “awwwwwwwwwww ….”

Via Muni rider Maegan: “I fell in love with 2 people on Muni today.”

*This Thursday is our anniversary, y’all!

Join your fellow Muni riders for a night of stories that can only happen on Muni! Muni Diaries Live is back this Saturday. Get advance tickets today to ensure you and your friends a spot.

Muni: Source of a thousand laughs on a weekly basis

Photo by Michael Dunn

For something that often really, really sucks, Muni is such a great source of comedy. Tragic comedy, to be sure.

  • Lady across from me apparently never taught to sit properly in a skirt. Every time I look up I get panty flashed. #munidiaries
  • Did I just watch this fool toot some blow on the bus?!! #SFMuni #smh #ppltoday
  • OMG #sfmuni smells like someone took toejam, shoved it in their ass, scraped it out, vomited on it, spread it on the bus [ed note: oddly and amazingly specific!]
  • dude just popped open a huge bottle of wine and took the longest drink from it!! That’s one way to take the J! #HumpDayFun
  • “He only has two teeth left. It’s not really fair to knock out his only remaining teeth” – on #sfmuni just now

This week’s hilarity sprung forth from the great minds of @goldfine, @RGB_SINCE1981, @ProgressingSF, @SuperDee75, and @Brocheh. Don’t be stingy: Share your Muni giggles over at @munidiaries.

Join your fellow Muni riders for a night of stories that can only happen on Muni! Muni Diaries Live is back next Saturday, April 5. Get advance tickets today!

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