Reminder: Muni fares set to increase on September 1

Photo by Agent Akit

A Muni (Diaries) reminder to make more money and/or really start hoarding those pennies. Change is a-comin.

Fare increases effective September 1, 2014, are as follows:

  • Single Ride Adult Fare will increase from $2 to $2.25.
  • Adult “A” Fast Pass will increase from $76 to $80.
  • Adult “M” Fast Pass will increase from $66 to $68.
  • Lifeline Monthly Pass will increase from $33 to $34.

For more info, visit SFMTA’s website. And don’t say we didn’t warn ya!

It’s Aussie transit passengers’ turn to move immovable objects

No one told me this in advance, but this week is Super-Human Feats of Strength on Public Transit Week. Apparently. “Apparently.”

Down in Perth, Australia, a public transit rider slipped getting into the train. “Andy” got his leg stuck between the train and the platform. But this hungry leg-eating train was no match for Andy’s fellow passengers:

“Transit Authority staff alerted the driver to not move the train and then organized passengers on the platform to push the car, eventually freeing the passenger …”

What is Aussie for, “Fuck yeah!”?

h/t Laughing Squid

Meet the Chinatown Muni Station Artist on Thursday


New York-based (boo!) artist Tomie Arai was chosen to design the future Muni Metro station in Chinatown. The designs are spiffy enough. And you have a chance to meet Arai tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday, August 7, 4:00-5:00 PM
Chinese Culture Center
750 Kearny Street, Third Floor
Take Muni: 1-California, 8AX, 8BX, 8X, 30X-Marina Express, and 41-Union

See more at the SF Arts Commission site.

Muni Metro blockage no rider can de-obstruct

Photo via Valleywag

Perhaps feeling slighted by lowly human passengers moving its brethren “automobiles” out of the way of public transit vehicles, a tech shuttle bus done got itself stuck, like stuck-stuck, on some Muni tracks this morning.

Only a Muni Hulk or like every single person riding Muni at any given moment might be able to clear the way for the J-Church here. Sad.

Previously: Superhero Muni riders to the rescue!

h/t: Valleywag

Superhero Muni riders to the rescue!


Sometimes, you have to take matters into your own hands. Especially if “matters” include “parked car standing between you and happy hour/work/home” and “your own hands” are literally your own hands.

Truth: This isn’t the first time it’s happened. A similarly brave, heroic feat was last recorded in February, and Derek Powazek even regaled a rapt, 2010 Muni Diaries Live audience with his own tale.

“We can do this,” indeed.

Original tweet and photo by @phuongmai, via Daniel, Amy, and Muni rider Manish

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