Keep your eyes open … for Muni curiosities

Photo by Patrick

Muni never disappoints, does it?

  • Just got offered a glass of wine on #sfmuni. Movin up in the world.
  • Guy who didn’t pay fare & didn’t ring for his stop is now fuming he missed it. 6 IB
  • Woman gets on Muni just long enough to yell at the driver that it’s not the train she needs. Chill. You’re holding us up!
  • Woman eating an ice cream bar at my bus stop at 8:18 am is my hero. #getitgurl
  • pretty sure guy smoking next to no smoking sign while taking up 3 seats is the definition of ass hole. #SFMuni
  • old guy on the 10 watching porn on his smartphone and it appears he is taking notes as he is writing profusely

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by fellow riders @taylorenay, @cxarli, @jaimichnew, @MissNoraSF, @JillianWould, and @tettoffensive. Life is short, even if you feel like you’ve been on Muni forever. Share your Muni moments here and @munidiaries.

Transit News: Free Muni for special-ed students, BART earthquake warning system, BART crime app, harassment on Muni and BART

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

  • SF approves free Muni for special-education students (SF Examiner)
  • BART’s Earthquake Early Warning System Could Have Broader Applications (SF Appeal)
  • Pedestrian fatally struck by Muni bus on Geary Boulevard (SF Examiner) || Berkeley man IDd as Muni collision victim (SFGate)
  • BART Police Unveil Crime Reporting App (SF Appeal)
  • Harassment on Muni and BART under-reported (Mission Local)

Which way to BART and cable cars?


Found on Spear Street near Mission, where one would never need adequate wayfinding signs. What’s a Transbay Transit Center? Where is the cable car? Important questions, these.

Between this and fingernail clipping on the streetcar today—that lady and her errant nail bits proved a fine ambassador to our even finer city—I’d like to extend my warmest welcome alongside heaps of good luck to you tourists.

Thanks to Amy of @cappstreetcrap and Tiny Rides for the pic.

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