And then a drumstick landed on my lap
Photo by Kealani G.
Update 10/24
Rider Janis spotted more crimes against fried chicken on the 6. It’s not *that*bumpy a ride, jeez, hold the eff on to your food if you’re gonna eat on Muni.
Original post:
I love fried chicken for breakfast like any normal person, but this kind of meal is probably best enjoyed in the privacy of your own home in your sweatpants, and not on Muni. Via the Muni Diaries Facebook page, Muni rider Kealani says,
Nothing says Muni like someone dropping fried chicken on your leg at 10 a.m.
I mean, what’s the right thing to do here, pick it up off your lap and give it back to the person? Or take a picture of it and send it to Muni Diaries? (Rhetorical question, you guys!)