Transit Advisory: San Francisco Giants World Series Parade Edition

Photo by Jamison Wieser

So, the Giants won the World Series. Teams that accomplish this rare* feat typically hold parades in their hometown so that their fans can: stand/sit around for hours hoping for a chance to see their heroes in the flesh; actually experience confetti.

* if by rare you consider that this will be the third such parade in San Francisco in the last five years hey-oh!

The Giants’ World Series parade is happening at noon today, you guys. Here are the details and how they will affect Muni service:

A parade and celebration will honor the World Champion San Francisco Giants along Market Street and at San Francisco’s Civic Center tomorrow afternoon. Baseball fans are encouraged to celebrate safely. To facilitate an enjoyable experience for all, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), which oversees all transportation in the city, including the Municipal Railway (Muni), is encouraging attendees to ride public transportation to and from the World Series celebration.
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Muni’s past on display this weekend

Photo courtesy Market Street Railway

(We interrupt your Giants hangover to bring you this important notification.)

Who doesn’t love old buses? Look at those cute suckers up there.

Our friends at Market Street Railway clued us in on this weekend’s Muni Heritage events. “Along with the historic buses, special streetcars and cable cars will operate on Muni Heritage weekend as well, and there’ll be a number of events in the plaza across from the museum: music from a Muni combo; young actress Johnnae Saunders as Maya Angelou, 16-year old San Francisco streetcar conductor; cable car bell ringing exhibitions; chances for kids to color their own historic streetcar and ring that actual cable car bell; special transportation book and memorabilia sales, and much more.”

From SFMTA’s press release:

During Muni Heritage Weekend, visitors will be able to ride and view historic streetcars, cable cars and buses that are rarely seen on city streets. In addition to these vintage vehicles from around the world, there will be exhibits, children’s activities, cable car bell ringing demonstrations, live music… and much more.

Free gift bags that include passes, memberships, gifts and discounts from sponsors such as PIER 39, Ghirardelli Chocolate, the Exploratorium, SF Conservatory of Flowers and the de Young and Legion of Honor Museums are valued at $150 and will go to the first 100 families each day. Also enter a raffle to win one of five Muni Heritage Premiere Prizes.

SFMTA has more info over at their website.

If you go, please to send us your photos of these awesome little ol’ fellas.

Join us at Muni Diaries Live on Saturday, Nov. 8, for a night of true, hilarious, weird, and sweet stories that can only happen on Muni! Grab a ticket and we’ll see you there!

Giants win the World Series, people break Muni windows

Photo by Sam Wolson/Special to The Chronicle

We warned/begged you!

The Giants won the World Series, and guess what happened afterward? People climbed on top of Muni and broke a couple of windows, naturally. This is why we can’t have nice things!

Last night, SFMTA suspended bus services “due to safety concerns,” though Muni Metro service on the surface streets and underground was still operational.

Here’s one more of a busted-up Muni bus:

Photo by Tim Hussin/Special to The Chronicle

And here are more scenes on Muni from last night, thanks to our friends on Twitter:

giants fans on muni by jennyzhu
Photo by @jennyzhu

giants muni shelter matthew roth
Photo by Matthew Roth

celebration from bus by faern
Photo by @faernworks

giants on muni by jhaiye
Photo by @jhaiye

muni police service by ekai
Photo by @ekai

Got stories from last night’s celebration? Send them our way please!

Transit News: BRT in SF, Muni driver restrooms, 9-San Bruno improvements, BART station makeovers

Photo by Jason Schlachet

  • BRT expert sees room for improvement on SF system (SF Examiner)
  • Bath­rooms offer relief for Muni drivers (SFBay)
  • Bulb-outs, other traffic measures to help cut 9-San Bruno travel time (SF Examiner)
  • Muni Implements Changes to Multiple Bus Lines (SF Appeal)
  • Public can weigh in on BART stations improvements in SF (SF Examiner)

One more Giants game, one more chance to behave

Photo by rafael-castillo

Gotta get a little sports on you for a second. The Giants did not win the baseball game last night, and thus, did not win the World Series. It being a series, there will be another game tonight. Tonight’s game is the final game, no matter what*.

The Giants may win this baseball game tonight, and would thus win the World Series. There’s an equal chance that they will lose tonight’s game, and thus lose the series.

In any case, the message remains the same: Win or lose, please play nice with each other and with things like buses and bus shelters and, really, everything. If you have to burn stuff, burn trash. If you have to break stuff, make sure it’s your own stuff.

Lastly, go, Giants!

*For those of you anxious for it to all be over, your hour is almost upon us. Unless there’s a parade on Market Street, of course, in which case nah-nanny-nah-nah!

Please don’t break Muni if the Giants win the World Series

Please? Also: Please don’t break Muni if the Giants lose tonight. Or tomorrow. Photo by Mike Hendrickson

Above: Someone in 2012 got a little too happy about the Giants winning the World Series that year. That might happen again tonight. The Giants winning the World Series, that is.

If that happens, tonight or tomorrow, please don’t break Muni. Thank you.

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