The kindness of strangers on Muni

Photo by duluoz cats

Kindness has this thing it does where you’re walking around all pissed-off, jaded, or both. Then it whacks you over the head and confuses the hell out of you.

And some of these even involve awesome Muni drivers!

  • “Would you like to sit here, young sir?” “No thank you, dear lady.” This is the most polite bus ever.
  • I’ve lived by these wise words from a muni driver told me ,” Do whatever makes you happy”
  • Unlike trains, I get a sense of community on buses. see the same people every day. Either that or the matrix is glitched.
  • my bus is playing jazz music through the intercom speakers. This is the best commute ever! #awesomemunidrivers

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by your fellow Muni riders @abroshar, @sfdylon, @DaneYoshida, and @hollandcd. You, too, can be featured here by tagging your tweets with @munidiaries.

A not-very-good day for wedge shoes

wedge shoes on muni

It’s not a very good day for the owner of these wedge shoes. Annabel_SF on Instagram writes:

After holding up the train at two stops to get this lady’s wedge out of the door, the driver lowered the steps, the shoe came out, but the chick had already taken off. I think she was a little embarrassed, to say the least. She did have some spare shoes so she didn’t leave bare foot.

I’m pretty sure most of us, myself included, would have limped out of the train barefoot and embarrassed. Carrying spare shoes? That’s very prepared, ma’am.

Hey, Muni Diaries is on Instagram looking for your best Muni photos! Let’s be buddies.

Yet another Muni redesign


It turns out that, after arguing over parking spaces, how ugly condos are, and where you can get the best burrito, San Franciscans’ favorite thing to do is redesign what many of us hold ever so dear: The Muni Worm.

Harold sent us his design firm’s (Notorii) take. Man, if SFMTA could figure a way to GIF-ify* the Muni logo …

This version is much more true to the original than many renditions we’ve seen over the years. Notorii’s Fast Passes are enough to make me want to reward them with daily helicopter rides through the Golden Gate Bridge.


Check out the rest of their work on Muni’s logo over at Notorii’s website.

What do you guys think?

* Hard G, mother fucker!

NYC bus driver allegedly pulled over to knife wife’s lover

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Never underestimate the multi-tasking abilities of a big city bus driver. And there are few better examples, perhaps, than Ephraim Henry, a New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus driver who authorities say pulled over his bus last month to stab a man believed to have been sleeping with Henry’s wife. According to the New York Daily News, Henry, 30, was headed on an empty bus back to a bus depot in Queens when he spotted Oscar Williams, 48, driving a Honda. Both men slammed on their brakes, got out of their vehicles and began to fight. During the scuffle, Henry allegedly pulled out a pocketknife and jabbed Williams in the arm.

Henry was later booked on suspicion of assault and criminal possession of a weapon. A source told the paper that Henry had some disciplinary issues on the job, noting “I wouldn’t say he was a stellar employee.”

Guess we can feel grateful when our Muni driver just stops randomly simply to pee.

h/t: Gawker

Muni rider reanimates antique elevator sign as his own NextBus

This is heaven for all kinds of geekery, and I promise this video is going to make you clap your hands in delight. Muni rider Rolf lives steps away from the J-Church line, but checking his phone every other minute to see when the next train is coming was just a little too annoying and this-century of an activity. Most people would probably just walk around their house carrying their phones in their pockets, but Rolf rigged together a beautiful and ingenious solution, and you won’t believe what he used. Read more

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