BART redecorates, ditches old schedules and maps


Yesterday was apparently BART’s big schedule and map purge. We didn’t immediately notice the difference between the old maps and the new ones that have replaced them, but BART rider Eric Fischer noted on Twitter that there was less glare and Caltrain was now properly capitalized (see below). Either way, we’re glad to see that the old maps were recycled, if they aren’t gonna give them away to transit geeks. BTW, know any?

Photo by Eric Fischer

Listen to Dhaya Lakshminarayanan at Muni Diaries Live—’Please exit through the weirdos’

Photo by Kevin Wong

Have you ever taken Muni with your parent-types? I did once. It was pretty nondescript, except for that one guy …

Earlier this month, comedian Dhaya Lakshminarayanan told the Muni Diaries Live audience a tale of her trip to Big Lots on Muni with her pop. Hilarity ensued, of course. And a new slogan for this site and Muni general? Have a listen below:

“Dhaya Lakshminarayanan at Muni Diaries Live, Nov. 8, 2014”

If you’re unfamiliar with the delight that is Dhaya’s comedy, check out the Moth Story Slams she hosts every month.

Previously: Ronn Vigh at Muni Diaries Live, Nov. 8, 2014.

NYC to clamp down on big-balls-riding dudes

Photo by davitydave

Spread-nuts-shaming is about to become real, you guys. Buzzfeed has story of New York City’s plan to combat this terrible scourge on society:

“The MTA, which manages New York City’s subways and buses, will launch an awareness campaign in January to stop people from taking up too much space on the seats.

“The campaign, in part, will target man spreaders: people who spread their legs wide open, even on crowded trains, MTA spokesperson Kevin Ortiz told BuzzFeed News.”

Your only excuse is that you’re saving room down there for a cat.

Also, NYC’s MTA will target ball-spreaders’ partners in terribleness: people who don’t take their backpacks off on crowded transit vehicles. Hooray!

Finally. New York follows a less-official attempt to stanch this behavior in Boston in 2009. Will SFMTA follow suit? We can only hope.

Read the full story on Buzzfeed.

Audio: Ronn Vigh at Muni Diaries Live—’WTF, Gladys!?’

Photo by Kevin Wong

Like sliding doors and dominos and butterflies flapping their wings, you never know what’s going to happen when you miss your stop on Muni Metro. At Muni Diaries Live earlier this month, SF comedian Ronn Vigh had us in stitches with a tale of serendipity and being stuck underground, because Muni.

Ronn’s story didn’t quite fill his time slot, so we urged him to keep going. He did, and the crowd was thoroughly enthralled. Listen to his entire set here:

“Ronn Vigh at Muni Diaries Live, Nov. 8, 2014”

Ronn (and fellow MDL performer, Dhaya Lakshminarayanan) will appear at Harvey’s in the Castro tonight. Whether you missed them at Muni Diaries Live or not, go see them. Unless you, like, don’t like to laugh or something.

Transit News: Faster 28-19th Ave bus, subway progress, Van Ness BRT

Photo by Shawn Clover

  • SFMTA Looks to Boost Muni’s 28-19th Ave With Bus Bulbs, Fewer Stops (Streetsblog SF)
  • Central Subway Portal Structure Moves Forward (Central Subway Blog)
  • This Is Why NextMuni Predictions Are Always Screwing You Over (SF Weekly)
  • Credit Agencies Upgrade SFMTA Revenue Bonds to Highest in Nation for a Transit Agency (SFMTA)
  • Shelter squabble threatens Van Ness BRT (SFBay)

Exploratorium asks: Why do people act the way they do on transit?


Oh, Muni, you are one big sociological experiment gone very right or gone very wrong, depending on the day—or hour. Or minute. OK, I just changed my mind again. I’ll calculate an average at the end of the day, how’s that?

The Exploratorium’s new exhibit, The Science of Sharing, encourages us to explore something we think about every day: Why and how do people act the way they do on public transit?
Read more

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