Transit News: Free Muni for seniors, faster Muni, extending Central Subway, Sunset Tunnel, Wharf hard to get to via transit

Photo by Justin

  • SFMTA chief signals free Muni for seniors ‘very likely’ (SF Examiner)
  • All-Door Muni Boarding Still Means Quicker Buses, Less Fare Evasion (Streetsblog SF)
  • Meet the BART-stopping woman behind “Black Lives Matter” (grist)
  • Extending the Central Subway: Why Stop at Fisherman’s Wharf? (Streetsblog SF)
  • BART needs a second transbay tube (Chronicle opinion)
  • How The Sunset Tunnel Became The Gateway To The West (Hoodline)
  • Fisherman’s Wharf transit options difficult to navigate, workers say (SF Examiner)

Schoolin’ the kids in a Muni Mom Moment

Photo by David Lytle (not the subjects of the story below)

A popular thread running through this site (and our Twitter and Facebook pages) is complaints about rowdy or harmful passengers riders and the rest of our failure to do or say anything. Well, Dhaya has enough, y’all.

Today on the bus a young man was blasting on his phone what seemed like two engines fighting each other, which was in reality “music.” Although Muni has a sign that says “No Radios,” clearly Muni is run by old fogies who don’t know mobile devices can play “music.”

When the young man asked, “Hey any requests what do you wanna hear?” out loud, I took the opportunity.

“I believe I speak for the entire back of the bus, when I say ‘We request mute.'”

He got upset and said “That’s some SF liberal bullshit.”

I said, “Damn right!”

Then his friend nudged him as if to say, “Don’t mess with those kind.”

Then the other bus patrons smiled at me, while continuing to take inaction.

I just mom’d someone and I’m so excited about this new found superpower.

I hereby nominate Dhaya Muni Manners Sheriff. The terms lasts a lifetime. What say, Dhaya?

Oh those Muni moments …


They make us laugh. They make us cry. They make us want to flail randomly and take out anything that might get in our way. They are Muni moments. These are our favorites this week:

  • Guy in front of me on the 22-Fillmore is knitting up a storm. He’s as fast as any grandma.
  • Everyday is a new day on #sfmuni. Got on the 81x and the driver is asking if anyone knows the route
  • There is a small black bird hopping confusedly around inside the K-Ingleside. #SFMuni
  • A guy just thanked us ladies for letting him take a “bomb ass” nap on the N-Judah. You’re welcome.
  • Bus driver is standing up and doing squats in the aisle during red lights

This edition of Things on Muni is brought to you by your fellow Muni riders @nffo, @fieldingatgully, @seismogenic, @divianne, and @katiejosells. Follow @munidiaries and you, too, can be featured in our weekly roundup of things on Muni.

Muni double-berthing test set for this weekend

Photo by David Lytle

Is it possible that Muni Metro could become faster and *gulp* make more sense? Pinch me, please.

According to Streetsblog SF, SFMTA is set to conduct a final round of double-berth testing on Muni Metro trains this weekend. Double-berthing is when two trains board in the same station at the same time.

From Streetsblog SF:

“[SFMTA Director Ed] Reiskin said Muni officials will demonstrate the feature on Saturday morning for officials at the CA Public Utilities Commission, who must sign off before Muni finally allows two trains at once to board passengers within its underground stations.”

If this weekend’s test is approved, Muni could start regular double-berthing service as soon as December 13.


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