‘Showing your tits’ on Muni


I had never seen one of these bags in the wild (a.k.a. the Muni catwalk). I had only passed by them (and giggled like a little girl) at Gravel and Gold in the Mission. Now, lookee there. Boobs!

Whether it’s spirited debate over breastfeeding on the 71 or avoiding a grabby pervert on the 2-Clement, Muni is a pro-boobs kind of place. Here’s to hoping that all of our boobs (actual or printed) travel safely on the bus, and that will be the last time I write boobs in this post.

…boobs. (OK, I’ll stop.)

Via Muni rider Steven: “Woman on #muni has boob bag to get her there in style”

Seattle dog waits for no one, rides bus sans her human

It’s bad enough waiting for the bus. Who wants to let the bus they’ve been waiting for pass them by? Certainly not Eclipse, a black Labrador known for taking the bus—by herself—in Seattle.

According to the Associated Press, if owner Jeff Young is busy smoking a cigarette when the bus pulls up, Eclipse will climb aboard and ride without him to the dog park, sitting next to strangers and looking out the window before getting off at her designated stop. Young then catches up with her at the park, three or four stops away.

Who’s a good girl? We only wish some humans could be so well-behaved on Muni.

Do you know the origin story of Forest Hill Station?


You might have zoomed by this station a hundred thousand times and not realized that it is actually the oldest subway station west of Chicago. We found the website OriginSF, whose authors chose Forest Hill Station as their latest case study of San Francisco history. According to OriginSF, Forest Hill Station was built with a dose of foresight:

Forest Hill Station was opened in 1918. It began thanks to the former mayor of San Francisco, Aldoph Sutro, who owned real estate all over the city. Twelve years after his death, A.S. Baldwin, a real estate agent from Baldwin & Howell, was hired to allocate Sutro’s real estate assets. At the time, the Forest Hill area of San Francisco was underutilized, with space composed of sand dunes and grassy land; it was not a desired lot to purchase. But Baldwin, showing foresight, developed a corporation to buy the forest and then sell the land. Newell-Murdoch bought that land and then deeded 21 lots to the City of San Francisco for free, in order for the Forest Hill station to be built. Why? Because Newell-Murdoch was banking on Laguna Honda to be the next big development once a train was built to bring people there. And they were right.

Interesting tidbit: scenes from Dirty Harry and Milk were shot in this station. If you like history as much as we do (see: Muni Time Capsule), you’ll enjoy browsing through OriginSF.

Photo by OriginSF

Muni in 2015: Same as it ever was


What did you expect, that a new year would somehow change the very essence of what it means to ride Muni? Yer too cute.

  • Watching Botox face rub smelly lotion over the hands of her lover, is this actually happenin?! #44
  • lady version of leg spreaders: women who insist on crossing legs on a crowded bus, and KEEP KICKING MY LEG. #SFMuni
  • My child just licked the handrail on the 30. He had a good run. #MuniDiaries #Muni
  • Lose-Lose: Being the person furiously scratching your head & ears on Muni or not-at-all-subtly leaning away from said person.
  • Sitting between a guy in a skull mask and a guy rolling a joint #onlyonmuni

2015’s first Things on Muni is brought to you by your partners in Muni crime @efwjames, @ImekaSF, @abjornsen, @lkroner, and @emflannery1. Follow Muni Diaries on Twitter for a chance at the gold.

Photo by Lynn Friedman.

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