BART dresses join rich collection of Bay Area wearable transit


It’s hard to imagine wanting anything BART touching your bare skin. But these dresses—one made with BART tickets, the other inspired by a station map—are amazing. (Spotted in the window of Piedmont Fabric in Oakland.)

This Bay Area transit-inspired fashion isn’t a one-off, either. Check out this rad Muni maps dress and this corgi dressed like a BART train.

These Clipper Card and Fast Pass Halloween costumes (who are those dorks, anyway?!) don’t involve nearly as much fashion-design know-how or, um, style, but we enjoy them all the same.

h/t Claire Little

Watch this Sundance documentary of the ‘other’ 22 bus

hotel 22 joseph

A new documentary airing at Sundance and on The New York Times today chronicles the 22 VTA bus in San Jose, a 24-hour line that turns into an overnight refuge for the homeless. This unfortunate reality is something that San Franciscans know all too well, and we have even heard from long-time residents and drivers about homeless people riding public transit to keep warm. The documentary is powerful, even (or especially) without narration.

Filmmaker Elizabeth Lo is a student at Stanford and made the film about the bus route, which is known as “Hotel 22.” During the course of the evening, some of the riders get into an argument, and others mutter complaints, but the bus driver seemed unfazed and woke everyone up when they arrived in Palo Alto in the morning.

You can watch the documentary on The New York Times.

Found: The Most Cold-Blooded Muni Rider Ever

lizard charlie

This Muni passenger is named Charlie, not to be confused with Skippy the Iguana, who was previously profiled alongside the fancy people in The Wall Street Journal. Charlie is also not to be confused with that slimy “Could switching to GEICO really save you 15% or more on car insurance?” gecko.

Muni rider Ramona snapped this photo of Charlie chillin’ in the back of the 6-Parnassus. I dig his icy glaze and no-fucks-given attitude. I only hope he will forgive the number of terrible puns I couldn’t resist making at his expense.

Want more Muni portraits of the non-humanoid variety? We’ve got more cuties on Muni this way.

Psst, don’t keep your witty transit-inspired updates to just you and your Facebook friends. Tag us @munidiaries!

Anti-Islam Muni ads re-imagined ever so awesomely


The Internet Age often has a way of making things work out. Talking more of justice than revenge.

Case in point: We recently told you about these questionable at least, terrible at best totally racist ads that had been popping up on Muni buses all over town. It’s not clear who’s behind the efforts, but according to The Mary Sue:

The ads now feature Kamala Khan, Marvel’s Comics first Muslim character to headline her own comic book with messages against islamophobia, racism and hate speech and a group of protestors calling for more love. Enjoy.

I don’t think I could love this any more than I do.

Scale of 1-10 (10 being puppies and kittens hugging): How awesome is this corrected ad? After all, if the inside of the Muni bus implores us to please love back, perhaps it behooves the outside of the bus to carry the same message.

h/t Muni rider Andy

Photo via Street Cred – Advertising for the People

Transit News: Pit bull stolen on Muni, Outer Sunset transit, BART protester charges, Sunset Tunnel noise complaint


  • Pit Bull Stolen After Teen Punched Aboard San Francisco Muni Bus In SoMa (CBS Bay Area)
  • BART board to urge $70,000 charge against Black Friday protesters dropped (SF Examiner)
  • Opinion: Muni’s latest giveaway is questionable policy, executed poorly (SF Examiner)
  • Supe seeks boost for Outer Sunset transit (SF Bay)
  • Noise complaint halts work on Sunset Tunnel (SFGate)
  • SF-Oakland #2 in transit trips per capita (Flowingdata)

Photo by Brennan Browne

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