Reading actual books on public transit


Does anyone remember what those things are? They’re cumbersome and awkward, is all I got.

Photographer Reinier Gerritsen has catalogued NYC Subway passengers holding and consuming those big, bulky things, in a pretty gosh darn beautiful collection called The Last Book. Visit Gerritsen’s site for a look at all the purty pitchers.

Meanwhile, back on the Best Coast, we literary types still read honest-to-God books on our commutes all. the. time. What’s the last book you read or saw someone reading on Muni?

h/t Laughing Squid

Photo by Reinier Gerritsen

OMG, this one time, a nice Muni ride happened on a Monday


For every case of the Mondays (and there are many around here judging by the @munidiaries Twitter feed), there are less-manic commutes on everyone’s least-favorite day of the week. Muni rider Shoshannah proves as much with a fun driver and lessons of the life, Russian- and Spanish-language varieties.

A Muni ride memorable for its friendly interactions, not its surliness? It must be Bizarro Monday!

I was reverse-commuting to an appointment on a 2 Clement headed outbound, so it wasn’t a[s] crowded (which probably helped the mood). There was a driver-in-training behind the wheel and his supervisor/coach was a driver I recognized from last year. (He had been incredibly patient assisting an elderly passenger on the same route.) I took a seat towards the back but with everyone lost in their silent, solo Monday world  it was easy to hear the supervising driver’s interactions with regular passengers as they came on.

First was an older Russian woman with whom he traded English-Russian-Spanish lessons. (“How do you say ‘No good!”?) Soon after that a mother and her little boy, about seven years old, got on the bus. He greeted them right away and started up a conversation with the boy.  Here are some choice gems from the conversation (paraphrased as well as I can remember them).

“You’re going to be a politician some day…No, that’s a good thing!”
“When you’re mayor of this town, make sure you remember me.”

And my favorite:

“When girls want to know your first name, what they’re really interested in is your last name. So stay away from girls!”

I’m sure this was all over the head of this first-grader but it sure was hilarious for those of us without earbuds.

I got some ribbing recently for looking at my phone (for a minute, I swear) instead of my happiest-hour date, but it’s true: There are way nicer things to see, hear, and touch right in front of us—which you can share after your time in the 3D world.

Photo by Lynn Friedman

Things on Muni: You and the people you see on the bus


Because we really are all in this together, folks:

  • If you can’t spot the crazy person on #SFMuni, it’s you.
  • guy is getting mad cause nobody is buying his chips on the bus #munidiaries
  • It’s strange to see the #SFMuni driver wearing a bike helmet. Not making me feel good about his driving skills.
  • Girl holding tin box that reads “Human Organ.” Because we’re on #sfmuni, I really don’t doubt its contents.
  • evesdropping on advice on how to grow legal weed & how to open a co-op on #sfmuni this morning. #lifelessonsonthe49

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by fellow Muni riders @barry_buck, @anttoekneeeee, @MaryL, @taylorenay, and @mythopoeists. You, too, can contribute over at the Muni Diaries Twitter page.

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Transit News: Muni near-crash, more transit-only lanes, stolen puppy, BART train car shortage, drop in BART satisfaction


  • Video: Citizen’s Quick Reflexes Prevent Red-Light-Running Muni Driver From Causing Terrible Accident (SFist)
  • Muni Paints More Downtown Transit Lanes Red (Streetsblog SF)
  • SFPD Release Photos Of Man Suspected Of Stealing Puppy On Muni (SF Appeal)
  • Why aren’t there more 10-car BART trains? (
  • Transportation Challenges Complicate School Choice for S.F. Students (SF Public Press)
  • BART Customer Satisfaction Drops 10% In 3 Years, Riders Worry About Crowded Cars, Cleanliness (CBS Bay Area)

Photo by Lynn Friedman

Man on Muni Safari spots rare beast 55-16th St.


Sometimes it’s what’s inside the bus that draws our attention. Occasionally, it’s something happening just outside the bus.

And then other times, it’s the bus itself. Case in point: Kyle spotted this 55-16th St. bus earlier this week, running its route, picking up passengers, all a week ahead of schedule. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

h/t Streetsblog SF: Eyes on the Street: Muni’s New 55-16th Street Line Spotted Early

Photo by Kyle

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