George Takei’s Sulu wants you to ride public transit

In the future/past of 1984, when we wasn’t busy doing Captain Kirk’s bidding and steering the Starship Enterprise, Mr. Sulu (George Takei) shilled for Milwaukee’s version of Muni. How cool is that? That velvety baritone telling you to buy a bus pass, to ride public transit. Yes, sir.

His connections to the Bay Area include the fact that Takei’s father was born in San Francisco, his mother was both in Sacramento, and he himself attended UC Berkeley for a spell.

SFMTA: Please take note. Hire someone half as cool as George Takei if you want more people to ride Muni.

Last we checked in with Starfleet, we saw Spock (RIP Nimoy) not understanding the concept of exact change.

Adorable ad from Taiwan wants you to stop ‘newspaper-spreading’


This sweet poster found on the Taipei Metro Rapid Transit train asks you to consider other passengers when you read a newspaper or a book on the train. The little emoji are truly from The Land Of Cute, aka Taiwan. For a edgy version of mind-your-newspaper, this Tokyo subway “space evader” ad gets the point across. Methinks BART’s new etiquette poster has some catching up to do in terms of cuteness, no?

Among the list of things we would really like to see on Muni or BART: a beer tram, a feline etiquette mascot, and a smackdown from Robocop.

NYC’s Etti-cat would be PURRfect for Muni


From the good people at Gothamist (via Cute Overload), here’s proof that good transit manners and verbose tuxedo cats never go out of style.

Etti-Cat’s original purpose was apparently to discourage New York Subway graffiti in the early 1960s. Walking an arguably strange path from effect to cause, The Man said that this rampant graffiti was the result of the damned kids’ (so, our parents) smoking all the reefer.

Since BART is taking a stand against rude riders and Muni may address qualms over manspreading and other delights, I’d like to suggest stealing this idea, because people obviously care more about cats than infographics.

Not that we don’t have our own etiquette opinions, of course. It’s still bad form to do any kind of nail maintenance (be it filing, clipping, or polishing). Give up your seats for the elderly and the disabled (or even the “handicapped“). You’ll also make more friends if you refrain from disrobing on Muni.

Muni poetry as coping mechanism


You guys sure are a creative lot. What better way to deal with the existential crisis that is our public transit, I ask?

  • “Lord it’s too crowded, not just this bus. The whole damn world. People need to lighten up!” driver waxing poetic. #SFMuni
  • The 38 is a earthquake test on wheels. Took awhile to even type this tweet. It’s more bumpin’ than a Lil Jon concert.
  • I used to wash my hands after my #sfmuni #NJudah commute. Now, I take a shower and burn my clothes.
  • Smelling like a dive bar is not cute. #Munidiaries
  • #SFMuni haiku: Castro Street Station; The 35-Eureka; Overcrowded train.

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by your fellow Muni riders @cherilusive, @DaneYoshida, @lisadawn2000, @pinkhandgrenade, and @Paul_J_Lucas. Be awesome like them and follow Muni Diaries on Twitter.

Photo by Brennan Browne

This graffiti on Muni is the shit!


On the one hand, if Muni rider Ashley is right, it would convince me that if we give it enough time, everything in the realm of possibility will occur on Muni. If she’s wrong, well, it’s kinda cool-lookin’, no?

Ashley says, “Pretty sure this graffiti is written in actual poop”

She also used the tag #MuniNightmares. Do we really wanna start using that? It’s up to you guys.

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