Missed Connection with N-Judah photobomber

n judah photo bomb by rachel

N-Judah rider Rachel was framing that perfect candid Instagram photo on the Muni platform (you know, rule of thirds in a perfect square, yada yada) when this guy in the train decided to wave hello. Our hearts stopped because this is just the kind of dorky cute gesture that romcoms should be made of.

From Rachel:

Missed Connection: We locked eyes at Powell Station last week as I attempted to take an Instagram-worthy picture of the crowded N-Judah. You photo-bombed my candid and I blushed. You could have been my best friend. We could have shared a pizza or laughed about old times over IPAs or discussed House Of Cards or gone to Fort Funston. But now all we have is this cropped memory.

Dear photobomber, who are you?

Join us at Muni Diaries Live on Saturday, April 18, for a night of true, hilarious, weird, and sweet stories that can only happen on Muni! Grab a ticket and we’ll see you there!

Chartered party on the F-Market at night? Yes, please


You’re in for a treat this Saturday, as SF’s own Mesquite and Mustard joins the lineup at Muni Diaries Live to sing about, in their own words, “trains and whiskey.” We’re on board. See what I did there?

On the following weekend, the trio will be providing musical accompaniment for Market Street Railway’s first-ever Night Train, a chartered party on wheels aboard one of the historic streetcars that MSR acquires, restores, and maintains. From the press release:

Come ride Muni’s first streetcar, car 1, along the historic F-line from the Castro to Fisherman’s Wharf and back all lit up. While riding, you’ll be able to enjoy drinks that will be available (your first is free) as well as the sounds of a live performance by the local band Mesquite and Mustard. The excursion is on Sunday, April 26, 7-9pm.

Car 1 had its inaugural run out Geary Street on December 28, 1912, piloted by then Mayor James Rolph, Jr. It ran for 39 years until 1951 when it was retired from service. In 1962, it was restored to its original condition to serve as the centerpiece of Muni’s 50th anniversary. Car 1 was used during the summer trolley festivals during the 1980s and became part of the new F-Market line fleet in 1995. In 2009-2010, it was completely restored and returned to regular service on October 6, 2012, almost a century after it was originally built.

Seating is limited to 42 passengers, so sign up today.

For more information on what promises to be a thrilling and very San Francisco evening, go to Market Street Railway.

‘Only on Muni’ head-scratchers


Sure, there’s a lot of weird shit you see on Muni every day. But in a separate class all by themselves are the one-offs, the things you might experience only once, but things that will leave you scratching your head and saying (out loud or to yourself), “Only on Muni, man.” Indeed.

  • these senior citizens on Muni look like they’re about to punch each other. “Why don’t you shut up,” said the bearded one
  • I don’t even know where I’m going. I got on muni and I don’t wanna get off because I’m lazy to get up.
  • On #SFMuni this morning I witnessed a really intense selfie photo-shoot…
  • This 70+ year-old guy just walked on MUNI with a huge boner tent. Good for him.
  • Saw a smashed burrito on the floor of the 45. Poured out some imaginary salsa for the fallen homie. #RIP

This week’s Things on Muni comes to you from the wonderful, creative, sexy minds and fingertips of Muni riders @JQiii, @_PatriciaVaras, @MikeAloha, @Ereeeek, and @scenechangeGO. Be cool like them and follow Muni Diaries on Twitter right now. Go on, we’ll wait here.

Join us at Muni Diaries Live on Saturday, April 18, for a night of true, hilarious, weird, and sweet stories that can only happen on Muni! Grab a ticket and we’ll see you there!

Photo by David Lytle

Transit News: BART 2016 fare hike, Muni service increases, new Muni art, Muni double-berthing gets green light

Here’s the transit news we’ve collected since our last news roundup. If you have news tips, email them our way, por favor.

  • BART announces 3.4 percent planned 2016 fare increase (SFGate)
  • Will Muni’s Largest Service Increase in Decades Have Staying Power? (Streetsblog SF)
  • New Art on Muni poster series to begin May 1 (Curbed SF)
  • Overnight Fire Damages Muni Shelter At Haight and Fillmore (Hoodline)
  • News crew catches teen girls’ attack on Muni rider who had shushed them (SFGate)
  • Muni given go-ahead for double berthing at downtown stations (SF Examiner)

In this corner, Muni Haiku challenger’s kickass streetcar tattoo


The Muni Haiku Battle is set to resume its ferocity eight days from now, as syllable-slinger Ronn Vigh squares off against first-time contestant Katie (who also happens to be one-third of the musical group Mesquite and Mustard, but more about that later.) Katie sent us her boat tram tattoo after seeing some other Muni tattoos we posted a few weeks ago. This has to count for something, right?

A week from tomorrow, you can watch Katie and her skin art take on Ronn for what promises to be the most exciting, nail-biting, side-splitting hilarious moments you’ll live to witness (until the next time). Did you get advance tickets to Muni Diaries Live on April 18 yet? Advanced tickets are sold out, but we’ve saved some spots for a few door tickets. Get there early!

Muni: Where baseball and unicorns collide seamlessly


We’re a San Francisco Giants kind of people here at Muni Diaries. But, contrary to certain belief systems (The Church of Being an Oakland A’s Fan), you can root root root for both home teams unless it’s 1989 and you’re busy being terrified during an earthquake. I was eight, and that shit was scary.

That said, I adore this backpack, which was a 2014 A’s promotional giveaway designed by actual A’s players. MLB.com had some insider-baseball (see what we did there) history into the why, but we tapped one of our go-to A’s fans, Ericka, for more colorful fan perspective:

A lot of teams make the bullpen rookies [ed. note: rookie relief pitchers] do silly stuff like dress up or carry around a crazy bag. The A’s had a Hello Kitty backpack Sean Doolittle carried with pride his rookie season. The next season, they got a Despicable Me unicorn backpack, but it didn’t fit all the stuff they needed (necessities like candy and seeds) so they attached it to the original Hello Kitty, creating an absolute abomination in the best way. It was silly, the fans loved it, and it fit so perfectly with the whole Island of Misfit Toys mentality the A’s have, they decided to make a promo out of it. Doolittle and Ryan Cook designed it. The actual player photos on the backpack are the perfect size to be covered with a small, round button (I hexed out Jim Johnson almost immediately because he’s the g-d worst) so as the guys move on through the revolving door that is Oakland baseball, you can modify without losing the integrity of the unicorn. It’s definitely one of my favorite promotions ever.

My takeaway is that Oakland blasted San Francisco out of its irony orbit with a backpack Lisa Frank would’ve crapped her pants to design. Well done, A’s. Well done.

h/t Muni rider Annette: “Sighting: anyone care to explain this unicorn backpack with baseball player vignettes? #idontsports #icanteven”

Join us at Muni Diaries Live on Saturday, April 18, for a night of true, hilarious, weird, and sweet stories that can only happen on Muni! Grab a ticket and we’ll see you there!

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