Some of our district supervisors might have a Muni story or two starting this summer. Muni riders from the San Francisco Transit Riders Union have challenged San Francisco supervisors and the mayor to take Muni for 22 days straight starting in June, making good on a ballot measure passed 22 years ago. Could there be a Muni Diaries story from one of these supervisors in the near future? We hope so.
In 1993, San Francisco voters passed Proposition AA: “City officials and full-time employees [shall] travel to and from work on public transit at least twice a week.” But the proposition was never enacted upon until now. So far, supervisors Scott Wiener, Jane Kim, John Avalos, David Campos, Julie Christensen, Eric Mar, Mark Farrell, and London Breed have told the transit rider union that they are going to participate.
SFTRU’s Ilyse Magy told us that when Supervisor Avalos spoke up during the Board of Supervisors meeting last Tuesday, he composed what almost sounded like a poem for the occasion:
“I will commit to 22 days Excelsior style. I will hop on the 8X, wait
or rather waint for the 52. I will mingle and rub elbows on the 14
Mission, will imagine the cross town freedom of the 43. And finally I
will pray when I ride the J Church that I don’t get switched back on.”
Magy said that the “waint” is apparently reference to a mural in his district called “Wainting for the 52.” Avalos for the next Muni Haiku Battle, perhaps?
Photo by @sfodutch