Giant Bubble Wrap Dare on Muni

bubble wrap on Muni

Muni rider Kim is on his way to bubble wrap all the things! I ran into Kim on the 38-R as he boarded the bus with his enormous cargo. He was nice enough to let me take a photo of his bubble wrap, but I didn’t ask him if I could pop a bubble because that would just be creepy, right?

Turns out someone else on the bus was equally impressed with Kim! Here’s a shot by Muni rider Lorena from the back of the bus.

bubble wrap on muni by lorena

Congrats, Kim, you have officially entered the Muni Diaries Strange Cargo Hall of Fame. You’re in good company with this styrofoam mountain and taxidermy deer head.

Muni News: Double berthing troubles, 33 bus petition and survey, arrest in attack on Muni driver, Church St. transit lane

You wanted Muni news, you got Muni news. Here’s the latest …

  • Muni Cites Computer Glitch For Ending Metro Train ‘Double Stopping’ After Only 2 Days (CBS Bay Area)
  • SF Hospital Bus Cut Spurs Petition, New Surveys (Muniverse)
  • Suspect arrested in assault on Muni driver in Mid-Market area (SF Examiner)
  • Appeals court ruling to boost cost to S.F. of Central Subway land (SFGate)
  • SFMTA Deems Church Street Transit Lane A Success (Hoodline)

Tonight: amazing SF photography outdoor exhibit

city at large muni token

This evening you can see some of our favorite San Francisco photographers display their work in a properly gritty, urban setting. City At Large II is an outdoor photography exhibit where photographs are enlarged up to 8 feet tall and installed onto brick walls using only wheat paste. The effect is pretty stunning, thanks to these five photographers:

Emmanuel Blackwell
Rian Dundon
Dave Glass
Troy Holden
David Root

city at large wide view

You might recognize Holden, whose Muni photos you’ve seen here regularly. You’ll also see photos from the 1960’s to 1990’s by Dave Glass.
troy holden city at large

City At Large II is located in the parking lot across the street from Adolph Gasser Photography on 181 2nd Street. The opening reception is tonight 5-7pm. RSVP here and we’ll see you tonight!

Call for submission: your art inside 50 Muni buses

orange muni bus 2 clement

For Muni-riding artists out there, here’s your chance to shine a light on your work. The nonprofit organization San Francisco Beautiful is partnering with SFMTA to commission original artwork to be digitally reproduced for display in 50 Muni Art buses in San Francisco this fall.

Five winning designs will receive a cash prize, and each have their work displayed in 10 buses for four months. Artists have until June 19th to submit a proposal (details here).

Photo by @friscofog26

Elderly Woman Dies After Bus Attack

chinatown bus attack victim

The grandmother who was beaten as she exited Muni on Mother’s Day has passed died, NBC Bay Area reports.

Earlier this week we learned about the attack, which happened near Japantown or Chinatown – the details still aren’t clear. Police and the victim’s family are asking for the public’s help in finding the attacker, as well as a witness who helped the victim get off the bus.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or has information about the suspect or the Good Samaritan, should also contact investigators and may do so via an email to San Francisco police Sgt. Trevor Kelly at, or via the Anonymous Tip Line at 415-575-4444 or Text-A-Tip to TIP411 and include “SFPD” at the beginning of the message.

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