Vote for your favorite art to adorn Muni buses


Back in May, we told you about an effort under way to put local artists’ work on 50 Muni buses. Those selected from the preliminary entrants would be put up to a public vote.

Well, online voting will be live until July 17 (this Friday). That means that you, too, can vote in SF Beautiful’s contest to put local artists’ work on Muni buses. To vote, click the “Me Too” button. How adorable.

Okay, get to it!

We’re one step closer to solving the mysterious Lady in Red on Muni

victorian lady on muni

Last week, we posted about the beautifully dressed lady in red and wondered: Who is she? The power of internet commenters has gotten us just a little closer to her. From the Muni Diaries Facebook page, Roz says that she may be a member of the Red Hat society. And a few of you said you’ve seen her often at Pier 39. The above photo is by Daniel Johnson. Muni rider betsywanders also saw her waiting to board an LRV:


Rider Anthony says, ” I know this drag performer. She dresses like this every day…in different 1800s fashion if I’m correct. And she frequents the Wharf/Pier 39 daily. Very nice person. I’ve had some great convos with her during summers working the shops at the Wharf.” Rider “Memo-san” says that the lady in red is named Scott and “delights in Union Square.”

While we have a little bit more information about the well-dressed lady, what we can’t seem to agree on is whether this is Victorian or Edwardian fashion! Something about the length of the hemline. Either way, thanks for giving us yet another reason to love living here, dear mystery lady.

Muni driver’s kindness warms a rider’s heart


My favorite flavor of amazing is the kind you don’t expect. Over on the Muni Diaries Facebook page, rider Mike shared this story about Muni driver Yuan going above and beyond.

“Last night his act of kindness toward a blind man who got on the bus while I was riding was so heartwarming it brought tears to my eyes. It was a live version of something you might read or see on the internet. When the blind man got on the bus, he seemed to be a little stressed out as he sat down across from me. At the next stop or so, he got up and kindly asked the driver if he would help him with his money because he could not see how much he had. He then handed the driver a waded up handful of bills.

“I paid close attention at this point as the driver straightened out the bills, counted them, and explained to the man how much money he had and the order he had put the bills in for him. As the man sat back down, you could see signs of relief and much less stress. Once he got off the bus, I asked Yuan if the man was a friend. He told me he had only known him for the short time he had been riding his bus.”

Damn, Yuan, way to rack up the karma points.

Photo by SBT4NOW

Now kids can park their tricycles at Muni shelters

kids bike muni shelter

We’re not sure how this tricycle got on top of a Muni shelter, but the riders below seem completely oblivious to the bus stop feature just above them. I hope the tiny owner of the tricycle was able to recover it at some point. Kids gotta get from point A to point B, too.

Oh, and if you actually thought from the title that SFMTA installed bike parking for kids (or adults for that matter), my most sincere apologies. I know I’m on the fast lane to that special place in the afterlife for click baiters.

Photo by @fitzthereporter.

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