The End of an Era: No more carpets on BART


There are no more carpets on BART, unless you bring one with you, but you’re not that weird, are you? Why are you weird?

BART announced today that it has now fully finished removing those last vestiges of past nastiness: carpets along the floors of its trains EW EW EW.

Congrats, BART! This is worth celebrating and spilling alcoholic beverages on the floor, then simply wiping that mess up with a cloth. Hip-hip, hooray!

Image courtesy

Muni is the setting for a new/old horror movie


Perhaps insisting what a mistake it would be to consider Child’s Play a “dated movie,” horror villain Chuckie made an appearance on Muni recently. Don’t laugh! Whatever you do, do not laugh.

h/t Muni rider Erika: “On @sfmta some guy holding a Chuckie doll like it’s no biggie”

Side note: One Muni Diaries editor (I’m not saying which one!) thought at first that this was Laughing Sal.

Leggy ice cream sandwich sculptures wait for BART


Because of course they do.

BART rider and artist Camila Valdez left these sculptures in the Civic Center Station recently. I’m wondering how those people standing by not looking can resist.

From her biography:

Her sculptures are inspired by the secret esthetics of everyday products. Objects, in this case desserts, express their feelings to Camila through their colors, shapes and styles. She says “If a Cupcake is good looking eyecandy, it says come and get me!”


Photo by Camila

Video: How engineers turned a Muni bus into a mobile shower

Did you enjoy your shower this morning? Many in San Francisco don’t have that luxury. There are seven locations in our city where homeless people can take a shower, but there are more than 3,000 people who live on the street. When Doniece Sandoval heard that Muni was decommissioning diesel buses, she had the idea of turning those buses into mobile showers. She founded Lava Mae, and got Muni to donate a vehicle to her.

As it turns out, transforming our familiar old Muni buses into mobile showers is no easy engineering feat. In this video, engineers show how they rip apart the passenger bus, install showers along with water heaters and gray- and black-water disposal plans. The buses hook up to a fire hydrant to provide water for the shower service. The two stalls in the bus have sky lights, a digital shower, and a changing area to provide the homeless with a bit of privacy and respite from the street.

We first heard about Sandoval’s idea in 2013, and in 2014 we eagerly awaited Lava Mae’s rollout. This spring, Lava Mae launched its first service and is partnering with various organizations around the city to provide showers to the homeless.

Lava Mae is working on a second bus with Airco Mechanical, architect Brett Terpeluk, and engineer Chris Doherty. They plan to launch the second mobile shower this fall.

The day my Muni driver stopped the bus

muni stop by oopu

Jay is an Australian living in San Francisco. After hearing Jay’s Muni story, his friends and family in Australia might think that San Francisco is an even more awesome place than they previously realized.

Last Sunday afternoon I was on an almost full to capacity #1 California bus on its route to Van Ness and beyond. The bus stopped, which was not unusual, but then the bus driver got out and went around to the front. I thought that he might be checking the bicycle rack or that there was some mechanical fault he was investigating.

Eventually a lady standing near the front of the bus took a few steps forward to peer out the front window and announced, “Ahhh…there’s a baby bird that has fallen out of its nest and he’s scooting it off the road from in front of the bus and onto the grass!”

That was amazing enough but what really told me I was in San Francisco was when the bus driver hurriedly scampered through the door and back onto his seat. The entire bus, me included, spontaneously started applauding and cheering! You would have had to have been there to really appreciate the genuine warmth of the moment but I assure you it was an authentic instance of two random acts of kindness that I will never forget.

Got your own slice of life on the bus? Help us document what it’s like to live in San Francisco and send your stories to!

Photo by @oopu22

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