An obnoxious way to save seats on Muni


But along the lines of “kitty crap,” one that still makes me giggle out loud.

These fake drink spill props are available, well, all over the internets. Ryan pointed them out to us in response to the following:

Would you use one of these? Or do you have some other form of trickery you use to save seats on Muni instead? If so, WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU/LOL?

Photo courtesy The Mary Sue

One designer’s pro-woman rebuff against manspreaders


The antidote to manspreading on public transportation is, as we should have known, the big V.

Designer Rachel Feinberg’s so-called Pussy Pouch, featured in Refinery 29, aims to make would-be manspreaders clam up before they even think about committing crimes against shared space.

Check out all of the empowering accessories from Feinberg’s brand, DAMNsel, and consider adding one to your arsenal. Let’s call this the workaround until and unless transit agencies (looking at you, San Francisco) start cracking down on the manspreading phenomenon.

Image courtesy Refinery 29

Future Muni poster slips through wormhole, arrives in present day


Yeah, we don’t know, either. Maybe we should put our best little-kid minds to work cracking this code, though I’m a little scared of what it actually means.

Here are some other examples of Muni and BART sign hackage you might’ve missed:

BART sign hack: Dancing, singing, art, play
Public transit sign hack: Station agent ass stance
Muni Signage Hack: Move Where?

h/t Paul: “Someone, please help me decipher what’s going on here.”

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