Here’s the Most Compact DIY Muni Shelter Ever

diy muni seat

No bus shelter at your stop? No problem, say the good people of the Inner Richmond. Spotted at the corner of Clement and Second Avenue, someone made quick seating for those waiting for the inbound 2-Clement. The unfinished wood adds some hip ambience to this lonely Muni stop.

This unofficial Muni shelter seating joins the ranks of other seating improvements like this posh recliner, a random leather ottoman, and this wicker situation. But we gotta give major DIY handiness points to the creator of this mini Muni stop.

Bring your own chair on Muni, by the way, is a real meme around here.

Got other candidates of creative Muni-hacking? Our inbox is wide open, or tag us @munidiaries on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

Well-behaved cat in a stroller on Muni is living our dreams


Here’s the most well-mannered Muni passenger and its owner living the ultimate cat-lady dream of owning a cat stroller. Muni riders Mike and Katie sent in this photo of an amazingly calm cat riding Muni while its human looked on dotingly. I’ve seen this man before at my local Starbucks in the mornings, enjoying his coffee while the cat watches the parade of Basics ordering venti skinny soy lattes.

We have more adorable (mostly) non-human creatures seen on Muni! And here are some urban cats who are working hard at making the internet a better place: pirate cat, punk rock catmusical cat, and leopard print car seat cat.

The End of an Era: Say goodbye to Muni’s paper transfers


When they came for our paper Fast Passes, we … well, we said a lot.

Now, as SFBay reports, Muni is set to replace paper Muni transfers we’ve come to love and make hella art out of with fare boxes that print transfers on the fly. That won’t hold things up, nah.

The agency’s Board of Directors on Tuesday approved a plan to begin accepting proposals for the project, which includes a minimum of 1,250 new transit vehicle fareboxes.

A SFMTA staff report said there would be no need to provide drivers with pre-printed transfer booklets. The report also said new printed transfers would help with security issues like stolen transfer booklets.

What’s that you say? You have a Clipper Card and never use the transfers? Oh, but still. Times is a-changing.

Read the full article on SFBay to learn more.

See Also:
Muni and the US flag collaborate, worlds explode
Now and then: Muni transfer art
How long is this giant Muni transfer good for?
More Cool Muni Transfer Art

Photo by @YungPeng

Friends surprise new Muni operator with super-custom cake


Philip just passed his class B license test for Muni, and his wife and friends surprised him with this custom Muni cake. The 14-Mission looks pretty good in fondant, and who knows what stories lie beneath those tinted frosting windows!

More Muni driver stories:

Photo from @ats_philthy

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