Secrets to life in San Francisco, as heard at Muni Diaries Live


What can happen on one bus ride to really change your life in San Francisco? Last Saturday, our Muni Diaries Live storytellers told the standing room-only crowd at the Elbo Room all about the surprising interactions on Muni that can change you in small and big ways.

We started the show with Gabe Armstrong (above), who stepped out of the sound booth (he is the audio engineer at the Elbo Room) to tell his own Muni story on stage. Riding public transit can really change your perspective of what you should and shouldn’t be afraid of in life, Gabe says. And how did he learn this? By hauling the remainder of his B2B vehicle on Muni while under the influence of jello shots, of course.
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Sponsored: Learn better workflows with Parisoma


It’s no secret that we at Muni Diaries love coworking site Parisoma. Not only do they provide seats for your fannies at Muni Diaries Live storytelling events, they also offer classes for your learnin’. Learning is good.

Tonight’s class, Productivity by Design: Design Your Workflow, will cover principles and tools of workflow design, learning how to define and redesign the primary components of your day-to-day productivity workflow. Grab a ticket and get at it!

7 reasons you should go to Muni Diaries Live


  1. Gabe Armstrong. He’s the audio engineering at the Elbo Room and has seen all the shenanigans backstage. Tonight he’ll step out of the sound booth to tell his own story.
  2. Cara Tramontano. She’s our Twitter BFF with some of the most creative Muni tweets ever. Imagine what she can do with more words.
  3. Kristee Ono. Ok. This woman ate 100 burritos in 100 days. If she’s not your San Francisco hero, I don’t even know.
  4. Satellite High. An entire hip hop album about Muni? Dreams do come true.
  5. Jerry Lee Abrams. He’s produced shows for Peaches Christ and designed lighting for a very famous wedding. We can only imagine what he’s seen.
  6. Driver Doug. Seventeen years of watching Muni riders act the fool, or sometimes acting right. He’s back with more behind the scenes stories for us tonight.
  7. Reigning Muni Haiku champ Ronn Vigh and his challenger, writer and comedian Baruch Porras-Hernandez. The battle is on: who makes better 5-7-5 magic?

Need we say more? Okay, here’s more: Get your advanced tickets to Muni Diaries Live because we have only a limited number of tickets to sell at the door.

Muni Diaries Live
Sat., Oct 10, doors: 6pm, show: 7 p.m. Tickets
Elbo Room
647 Valencia Street, San Francisco
Take Muni there: J-Church, 12, 14, 22, 33, 49, or BART: 16th or 24th St. stations

Photo by Right Angle Images

Barf … no, literally


Cue the pie-eating scene from Stand by Me.

This is an excellent tactic for keeping those seats free and clear, though.

In our years of experience looking for this kind of stuff — you’re welcome — vomit doesn’t show up that often on Muni. But when it does, does it ever. One guy unloaded his stomach on the 43-Masonic. Another time, bless his heart, a little one couldn’t keep it together on the J-Church. His dad was really, really sorry.

There are plenty of substances to be viewed, enjoyed, or dismayed by on Muni. What’s on your bus?

Join us at Muni Diaries Live tomorrow night for a night of true, hilarious, weird, and sweet stories that can only happen on Muni! Grab a ticket and we’ll see you there!

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