Airbnb apologizes for Muni shelter ads, and a new meme is born

air bnb public works bus ad
Photo from Facebook/Kevin Soriano

Airbnb is apologizing about posting a series of passive-aggressive, totally off-the-mark Muni shelter ads that have been popping up all around town. And in response, San Franciscans have made their own memes with even better sarcasm than one could have ever hoped.

At first these ads seemed too ridiculous to be real (one ad reads, “Dear Public Works, please use some of the $12 million in hotel taxes to install more electric vehicle charging stations.” Really? This is the ad you put on a Muni shelter?)

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Party hat departs passed-out tech bro on the L-Taraval


We’ve all been there. One, two, seven too many. Reasons to celebrate. No reason whatsoever to be doing what we did.

Few of us escaped with party hats, though. And of those, even fewer ended up on the L-Taraval recently, de-party-hatted. Friend and Muni Diaries Live veteran Katie was there, thankfully: “This tech bro had too much to drink at the office and his lil party hat fell off on the L yesterday”

Left behind on BART


I always wanted to work at Six Flags when I was a kid. It wasn’t the roller coasters that attracted me—I scrounged up enough for a season pass every summer from about age 11–15, so I was good. No, I always wanted a front-row seat to all the crap people left behind.

SFGate talked with BART officials to see what people leave on trains.

“We get everything from teeth to wheelchairs to prosthetic limbs,” said BART Manager of Transportation Tera Hankins. “Pretty much anything someone could lose, we see it.”

Can you imagine your friend showing up to the party, and you’re all, “Hey, nice to see you. Where’s your leg, dude?”

Here’s a partial list of things people have left on Muni buses and trains:

Lost on Muni: Wallet, computer, blue teddy bear
Wallet Lost, Wallet Returned!
Muni driver returns lost briefcase
Pants, Check: Lost and Found on Muni
Be Mime: Lost Wallet on Muni Leads to Love

Read the rest of the SFGate post here.

Photo by Russell Mondy

A gift you actually like on Muni

gift sketch on muni by merx_c

There are some gifts you probably don’t want from another passenger on Muni, and then there’s this sweet little sketch that an artist gave to his subject on the bus. From @merx_c:

He caught me sketching him in the bus. He asked if he could have the sketch. How could I refuse? Too bad the bus turned the picture into a potato.

I think he’s being humble; the sketch actually quite resembles this young man. Putting your artistic abilities to practice on your Muni ride is a good thing. Check out these other masterpieces:

How God sees Muni
Rider portraits
Artful line drawings by CheapGirlDraws

Photo by @merx_c

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