Video: Satellite High puts their love of Muni to music

We found Satellite High this June totally by chance. It wasn’t Christmas Day, but it might’ve well have been for Muni nerds like us. “WHAT? A whole album of hip-hop songs about Muni? YES, PLS.”

We were so happy that Jay, Casey, and Vern were available to perform some tracks off said “album about Muni” at Muni Diaries Live in October. Check out the video above for tracks such as “The Bus Is Late,” “I’m on the Bus,” and crowd favorite “A Girl Who Likes Buses, Too.”

Featured photo by Thomas Hawk

Shoe on Muni has a case of the Fridays

muni shoe mishap

File this under that embarrassing moment when you, pro daily Muni rider, are caught off guard by life. This one from Muni rider @peeeete: “Right side steps are going up, please stand clear.”

I feel a little bad for the dude who had to shimmy out of his sneaker in front of the commute crowd and then just stand there like no big deal. At least his socks are presentable on this particular day. Look on the bright side: At least you’re not this guy (or so we hope)!

NextBus is least accurate during commute time, study says

nextbus 77 min muni sign by andy B

NextBus is least accurate during peak commute time, with the 82X, 28, Muni Metro Bus Shuttle, 81X, and 39 routes ranking the lowest in prediction accuracy, according to a new study by Swyft, a mobile transit app. The study looked at NextBus prediction data from August 2015, comparing it to actual arrival times, and defines accuracy as “if the actual arrival time of the vehicle is anywhere between 30 seconds earlier and 4 minutes later than the predicted arrival time.” The study found that the most accurate routes were the 6-Haight/Parnassus, 35-Eureka, the 88 BART Shuttle.

swyft study bus accuracy by line

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Riders give Muni (and one another) the thumbs up

b2b muni riders

The annual survey of Muni riders found that we’re all a little happier this year, with nearly two-thirds of survey respondents saying that they would rate the transit service as excellent or good, according to SFGate. And guess what else we like? Our fellow passengers! Seventy-one percent of those surveyed said that most passengers are considerate (such as leaving uplifting messages for each other!), while 27% disagreed, probably thinking of this guy. Does this explain why our WTF section has been a little thin lately?

Let’s see what your fellow happy Muni riders like the best:

  • Accessibility (78% rated it good or excellent)
  • Driver helpfulness (66%)
  • Reasonable trip times (66%)

What do people say they want? In order of preference:

  • More frequent service (21%)
  • Cleaner and less crowded buses (14%)
  • Better on-time performance (11%)

SFGate has the details on the survey, conducted this summer of 568 randomly selected Muni riders.

Just because we don’t drink a big glass of haterade for breakfast any more doesn’t mean you don’t have any Muni stories worth retelling. Our inbox is always thirsty for your slice of life in San Francisco.

Photo by @yourmario

Video: Kristee Ono witnesses perfection on a Muni Metro

At Muni Diaries Live in October, Kristee Ono told the story of how she ended up on Muni Metro partly by chance, partly by necessity one night years ago. As bars closed and the train filled with drunk passengers, what began as your everyday judging of fellow public transit riders took a strange, beautiful turn that even Kristee could be in awe of.

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