The annual survey of Muni riders found that we’re all a little happier this year, with nearly two-thirds of survey respondents saying that they would rate the transit service as excellent or good, according to SFGate. And guess what else we like? Our fellow passengers! Seventy-one percent of those surveyed said that most passengers are considerate (such as leaving uplifting messages for each other!), while 27% disagreed, probably thinking of this guy. Does this explain why our WTF section has been a little thin lately?
Let’s see what your fellow happy Muni riders like the best:
- Accessibility (78% rated it good or excellent)
- Driver helpfulness (66%)
- Reasonable trip times (66%)
What do people say they want? In order of preference:
- More frequent service (21%)
- Cleaner and less crowded buses (14%)
- Better on-time performance (11%)
SFGate has the details on the survey, conducted this summer of 568 randomly selected Muni riders.
Just because we don’t drink a big glass of haterade for breakfast any more doesn’t mean you don’t have any Muni stories worth retelling. Our inbox is always thirsty for your slice of life in San Francisco.
Photo by @yourmario