Octoferret dropped this one in our Muni Photos Flickr pool. Someone tell the NRA, because this Muni’s next stop is the goddamn rifle range.
Octoferret says:
On the 76 line in the Marin Headlands.
My second favorite is ‘General Manager’ on the northbound 19-Polk.
“General Manager” is a great WTF-inducer. I have two others tied for first, though: the running ticker of gibberish and Sassy Muni Bus. Please Ho, indeed.
To answer your burning question, though, there is apparently a place called Rifle Range in the Marin Headlands. The National Park Service says you can find those purty Mission Blue butterflies there. Nowadays, it appears to function more as a venue/public space than a shooting range. Please give us a break for giggling, though, as we don’t see “rifle range” on many things around here.
Go ahead, make my day: drop some photo goodies in our award-winning (finalist-making) Muni Photos Flickr pool.