Photo by Flickr user W0nginat0r
WTF on this photo? Part of me wants to say, “Only in the Bay Area.” Who knows?
Not a lot going on this week in terms of BART news. More people taking public transit, what with El Niño 2010 hitting town. Did you ride BART more often than normal? Find it cleaner and more reliable than your normal method of commuting?
The best bit of BART-related internetting this week went on over at Burrito Justice. Johnny linked to the ever-awesome Eric Fischer’s discovery of some uber-futuristic BART maps from the past. They concern that mythical beast known in many parts as BART in Marin. Check out the images now for some visual pleasantries.
Don’t forget to send your best BART stories this way. And send your BART photos to our nifty Flickr group.
Looks like we’re set to get at least a two-day respite from the wetness. Go forth and enjoy yourself!

Photo by Flickr user moppet65535

Photo by Flickr user jgatts