Photo by blarfiejandro
I swear I’m not going all Anne Geddes on you (for the record I think that woman’s disturbed), but I can’t help it — I’m a sucker for dogs and cats. These cuties are certainly a reprieve after this week’s Muni news:
– Drivers overwhelm March Against Muni (SFWeekly)
– For a minute there it was close, but MTA Board takes more service cuts and fees for transfers off the table (StreetsBlog SF)
– SF Chronicle has an editorial about SPUR’s alternative budget proposal: “SPUR has made a good-faith effort to advance the discussion. There is plenty to hate in its package, but it is certainly preferable to an unthinking across-the-board service.”
– The Chronicle also reports that “public anger over Muni grows.” Uh, duh.
– Accidents: the 5-Fulton hits bicyclist and keeps going. M-Ocean View hits pedestrian Thursday (SFAppeal)
– State Legislature could restore millions in funding to MTA (StreetsBlog SF)
Tomorrow is the Muni Summit (reports the Examiner) at 8:15 a.m. at the Women’s Building in the Mission.
Enjoy your weekend!

Photo by Flickr user engnr_chik

Photo by Flickr user pamalamadag

Photo by Flickr user azza-bazoo

Photo by Flickr user pup ajax