Surprise! Rare bacteria found on Muni
Researchers from San Francisco State University have found a “rare” bacteria on Muni seats, which previously had only been found in waste water from South Korea, the South China Sea, reports SFGate. The bacteria, called, “Pigmentiphaga,” was found on the 28-19th Ave. bus line. Researchers aren’t sure whether the bacteria is actually harmful to riders. SFMTA says that San Francisco’s Health Department has found the bacteria to be “non-pathological” and that the bus is safe to ride.
What can we say … we all know that’s not water on the seat.
The researchers are the same group that found fecal bacteria on those yucky fabric BART seats. But this time around they have better news for us: No fecal bacteria were found on BART seats this time around. So, believe it or not, BART seats are now possibly cleaner than Muni? All the same, we recommend: Touch nothing!