Bus Stop Amenities: Light Therapy and Stress Relief
What’s your Muni shelter done for you lately? Relieve your stress? Cure your seasonal depression? We found two incredibly considerate bus stop projects around the world. Read more
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
What’s your Muni shelter done for you lately? Relieve your stress? Cure your seasonal depression? We found two incredibly considerate bus stop projects around the world. Read more
Photo (not a Facebook bus) by Paul Sullivan
Ed tipped us to the following act of heroism (or idiocy? you decide):
“Holy crap, someone just yelled at a Facebook shuttle driver & blocked the door to fb’ers for stopping in muni stop. While no muni was around” (via @rotron)
Last we heard in the Public vs. Private Transportation Wars, a Muni operator was on the front lines laying down the law.
Photo by Lynn Friedman
Reader Kelsey W. found a good use of her time during the recent shutdowns in the subway (first for flooding then for a blown transformer). She set the lyrics to the tune of Jingle Bells and The First Noel. Should you be caroling with these tunes (maybe at Santacon this Saturday?): videos or it didn’t happen!
Here are Kelsey’s Muni Christimas Carol Lyrics. Read more
Photo by Jeremy Brooks
In which @hotchallah enumerates her lessons:
“Things I’ve been taught by my #muni friend on this ride: a chimpanzee can turn a 16″ truck tire inside out with his bare hands.” (via)
“Things I’ve been taught by my #muni friend on this ride: rich people buy chimpanzees as pets bc the rich have nothing upstairs” (via)
“Things I’ve been taught by my #muni friend on this ride: his name is Michael.” (via)
“Things I’ve been taught by my #muni friend on this ride: he had an apple donut this morning but he usually doesn’t eat sugar.” (via)
What did you learn on Muni today?
Photo by Ramshackle Days
@ramshackledays alerts us to this very urgent emergency:
“#Turtle spotting on 82X. Don’t be a #turtle. Take off your #backpack.” (via)
Turtles, eh? We likes.
Quite simply, “Just another gorilla suit on Bart at noon on a Monday,” Heather says.
What’s up with gorillas on public transit lately, anyway? We demand answers and more photos like this. Send them here.