Video: Silent Disco Flash Mob on BART

Hey, a DJ is on BART but everything’s quiet, and why is everyone wearing headphones? We just got this flash mob video from Russ Megowan, who’s been doing these “silent disco” flash mobs on BART on Saturdays. The guys brought a box full of wireless headphones and a DJ setup, and promptly started a party in your ears (only) on a BART train.

It’s all fun and games until a BART cop shows up, so you should watch the video to see what happens.
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Help a visitor: How would you spend your one-day Muni Passport?

muni cable car by confetti
Photo by Robert B. Livingston

Reader Sonia C has a question for y’all pro Muni riders: What’s your idea of a perfect San Francisco afternoon if you have a one-day Muni Passport?

Hi! I came across your awesome blog and wondered if you might post something for me or give me some ideas. I have a Muni Passport that I plan to use this Saturday. I will have about five hours to ride around San Francisco, stop for lunch, maybe walk around. I will start at the Powell Street BART station at 11 a.m. and want to return to the same spot at about 4 p.m. Can you suggest an itinerary that would show me and my friend the city, good and bad?

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